Resumes and Cover Letters
Online Presence
Applying to Jobs

This should be included with your applications and can mention Lutherwood's incentives.

What is a cover letter. 


This should be done within 24-48 hours of an interview. 

What is send a thank you note?


This social media site is specifically designed for professional networking.

What is LinkedIn?


Name three ways in which you can look for work. 

What is: Internet job search, Job Fairs, Local job boards, Answering trade journal ads, Answering local newspaper ads,  LinkedIn, Asking family, friends, or professionals, Working with other jobseekers, social media networking, Informational interviews 


It takes a recruiter, on average, this long to scan a resume.

What is 6 seconds?


Make sure you spend at least 20 minutes prior to your interview doing this.

What is researching the company.


Your online presence and "mark" can be described as what?

What is a digital footprint?


This is one of the most effective ways to job search that often goes under-used.

What is networking?


This resume format focuses more on skills and accomplishments, rather than work history.

What is functional? (A resume organized by function focuses on accomplishments and skills, and is good for someone looking to change careers, by emphasizing transferable skills.) 


This is an example of positive body language during an interview.

What is: sitting up straight, making eye contact, leaning slightly forward, smiling and nodding. 


These sorts of topics are more suited for private & personal social media pages, rather than professional networking services.

What is: politics, religion, negative talk about previous employers, personal issues. 


Proactively reaching out to a company to inquire about potential openings is referred to as what?

What is cold calling?