Name 2 things that you have to put on an application.
name, date of birth, phone number, address, references, work history
How should you dress for an interview?
dress to impress, wear nice clothes, slacks, dress shirt, dress pants, blouse
Name 3 places you can look to find a job.
newspaper, internet, in-person, call
What would you as the employee do if a customer can't find something?
help them find it
What skills should you have to do stock or warehousing?
communication, teamwork, attention to detail, shipping/receiving, scanning, ability to lift, problem-solving, physical stamina
Who should you list as a reference?
teacher or any other adult who has seen your work and skills. (teacher, coach, co-workers, supervisors, friends)
What should you search online to find a job?
Jobs in your area, jobs in your training field, part-time/full time jobs
What skills would be required to be a cashier?
honest, friendly, helpful, patient, good at counting money, be able to know where things are to inform customers, customer service, communication, multitasking, speed
Name a job search site?
Indeed, Monster, ZipRecruiter, Glassdoor, snagajob
What does PT and FT mean in a job ad?
PT (part time work) FT (full time work)
Bonus Question! (worth double)
What skills have you learned from your specific training?
answers vary
What are three questions you can ask the interviewer?
What type of attire does the job require, what are the duties of the job, answeres may vary