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I use a drill when working in my patients' mouths. Who am I?

Who is a dentist.


I am a chef. I mainly work at ___.

What are restaurants.


I am the person who takes your temperature at a check-up. 

Who is a nurse.


I am required to size your foot, get you different sizes of shoes, and answer any questions you may have. 

Who is a shoe salesperson.


My job requires at least 8 years of education before I can start operating. What am I?

Who is a doctor.


I used to use chalk, then I used whiteboard markers and now I use Zoom to do my job! Who am I? 

Who is a teacher?


I am a jugde. I mainly work in ___.

What is in a court room.


I take care of your pet when it is sick. 

Who is a veterinarian.

I take you temperature at school. Who am I?
What is school nurse.

I am a teacher, how many years of education do I need before I can START teaching?

What is at least 4 years.


I use a car lift, a tire balancer, oil, and many tools from my tool box. Who am I?

Who is a mechanic.


I am a phlebotemist. I mainly work at ___.

What is a medical lab.


I build houses and buildings all over town! 

Who is a construction worker / builder


I write if/then statements and use languages like Python, Java and C#/Unity to make your computers and video games do things.

Who is a coder or web developer


I drive a large vehicle to transport goods from one place to another on a road and make a living. I should have a commercial license

A truck driver


My hands are my best tool. I also sometimes use lotion and hot coals when I work with my customers. Who am I?

Who is a massage therapist.


I am an actor. I mainly work in ___.

What is Hollywood.


I color and style hair. 

Who is a HAIRDRESSER (beautician or stylist or cosmetologist)


I make sure every detail is perfect for the big day. I often have to deal with stressed out bride. What is my job?

Who is a wedding planner / event organizer


How OLD must a person be before they can become a president?

What is 35.

My tools are many buttons on a dash board, a head set, and a few levers to help me steer in the air. What am I?
What is a pilot.

I am an anesthesiologist. I mainly work at ___.

What is at a hospital


I count money at the bank. I am the first person you see when you come in the doors and walk up to my desk. 

Who is a bank teller / cashier /  clerk


I cut flowers and arrange them in bouquets. What am I?

Who is a florist.


It takes me 4 to 6 years to get my education and start my job. I listen to people talk about their lives while they lay down or sit on a couch in my office. 

What is psychiatrist or psychologist. *Out of these two, only a psychiatrist can prescribe medicine to the patient.