Which Bollywood actor was involved in social service activities in recent times?
Who is Sonu Sood
What is the tallest mountain on earth?
What is a Mount Everest?
What is meant by "Love" in Badminton?
What is zero?
Who is Jailer?
Most downloaded app of 2020
What is TikTok?
What is the name of the National-award winning Bollywood choreographer, who recently passed away?
Who is Saroj Khan
The Statue of Liberty was a gift to America from which country?
What is France?
What is National Sport of USA?
What is Baseball?
a person able or employed to do occasional domestic repairs and minor renovations.
Who is Handyman?
Full form of ATM?
What is Automated Teller Machine?
What is the full form of PAN in PAN INDIA Star?
Presence Across Nation
This is a famous tower that is a very popular tourist attraction in Italy. what is it?
What is The leaning tower of Pisa?
Which famous Cricketer's nickname is Dada?
Who is Sourav Ganguly?
a person, vehicle, or group accompanying another for protection
Who is Escort?
Current Vice President of the US.
Who is Kamala Harris?
As of 2020, which is the only Bollywood movie to win 13 Filmfare Awards?
Who is Gully Boy
Opened in 2010, which building became the tallest in the world, at an astonishing 829.8m?
What is Burj Kalifa?
Which Cricket Team has won the most ICC Cricket World Cup?
What is Australia?
A person who shows people to their seats, especially in a cinema or theatre or at a wedding.
Who is Usher?
Capital City of Canada?
What is an Ottawa?
The first Indian film to be nominated for the Oscars was?
Who is Mother India
What is the name of big bell in London.
What is Big Ben/Clock Tower?
In which Event/Sport Neeraj Chopra has won Gold medal in Olympics 2021
What is Javelin Throw?
A chief manservant of the house
Who is Butler?
National Vegetable of India?
What is Pumpkin?