Presenting Yourself
Purposes of Documents
Types of Interviews
Something for a job that describes your education, skills, work experience, activities, and interests.
What is a resume?
A formal meeting about a possible job between a job seeker and an employer.
What is an interview?
The 4 employment documents.
What is job application, resume, cover letter, and thank you letter.
Face to face meeting.
What is formal?
Where will an inaccurate application always end up.
What is in the trash?
A form that asks questions about your skills, work experience, education, and interests.
What is a job application?
Things you should do before the interview.
What is research the company, plan and practice, select your outfit etc.?
The purpose of a job application.
What is Provides personal data, education, and work history Demonstrates ability to read and follow simple directions Demonstrates ability to write neatly, spell, and provide clear and concise descriptions of work history and education To verify honesty?
Conducted by employer and one or more staff members: sometimes called panel
What is group?
Reference guidelines.
What is Use references who: Know your character, experience, skills and work ethics Will give you a positive recommendation Always ask permission before using someone as a reference
People who will recommend you to an employer.
What are references?
Things you should do during the interview.
What is arrive on time, exhibit confidence and positive attitude, speak clearly, firm handshake, display appropriate body language, etc.?
Purpose of resume.
What is for the employer to learn more about you and to see how serious you are.
Initiated by the job seeker.
What is informational.
Go alone or with someone to an interview.
What is alone.
A letter in support of you from a reference. It provides insight into your background, skills, work ethic, and character.
What is a letter of recommendation?
Things you should do after the interview.
What is follow up with a thank you letter and be persistent, but not a pest.
Purpose of cover letter.
What is To introduce the applicant to the potential employer To explain reason for applying To describe qualifications To request an interview To complement the résumé
Often used to screen applicants and determine which applicants warrant a F2F interview.
What is telephone?
What you should wear to an interview.
What is appropriate attire-no ripped jeans-look professional.
A one-page letter telling who you are and why you're sending a resume. Introduces the applicant to the potential employer and explains reasons for applying.
What is a cover letter?
The purpose of an interview.
What is the applicant's opportunity to showcase themselves, learn about the company, etc.
Purpose of interview.
What is Most important step in the employment process Applicant’s opportunity to Showcase self and qualifications Learn about opportunities for advancement Learn about the employer’s management style Learn about the expectations of the job Employer’s opportunity to: Assess the applicant’s personality, motivation, knowledge, and work ethic Determine if the applicant is a “right fit” for the company
This tests how you handle stress.
What is group interview?
You should always tell the _____ in an interview.
What is truth.