Operational Definitions
Antecedent Strategies
Teaching Strategies
Consequence Strategies

tangible-maintained bx's

what is...

1. cx wants a toy that is unavailable

2. cx wants food that is unavailable


name one antecedent strategy

visual activity schedule before session starts. 


cx engages in tangible-maintained bx's

teach cx to

1. wait for access

2. accept alternative


truth: is it true that when the cx flops you will wait until he is ready to transition

false!! you will 

1. verbal direction

2. model bx

3. full physical transport....


non contingent reinforcement

what is...

  • Every 10 minutes, provide non-contingent reinforcement by providing compliments, 
  • tacting what he is doing, 
  • being silly, and / or giving a high five 

attention-based behaviors

What is...

when asked a questions, cx repeats word or phrase but does not respond to staff's responses

side eyes you to see if you're looking

smirk on their face


What is the first think you can do at the beginning of session?

create a visual schedule using the premack principle..."first work, then play" for cx

have an idea of what goals you will run, what activities you want to do to have fun with the cx


cx is clearly trying to get peer/staff's attention by yelling "hey" or repeatedly saying their name when the person is talking to someone else

1. gesture cx to tap your shoulder

2. model "excuse me ___"  


attention extinction

1. planned ignoring, 

2. no eye contact,
3. you may give simple neutral instructions,
4. slightly turn your body away


purpose of differential reinforcement of appropriate behaviors (DRA)

to teach cx to identify appropriate behaviors that can contact reinforcement in clinic and natural environment 

Escape-maintained behaviors

What is...

cx is avoiding instructions, demands, work, clean-up, 


before session you want to make sure to

make appropriate environmental arrangements this includes deciding between the 2 who will take data, who will prompt.

data collected -delivers SD, preps for next activity

prompter - has fun with the cx in between transitions, delivers minimal verbal instructions, has access to reinforcers ready to be delivered. 


cx shows precursor signs of escape...

1. teach cx to mand for a break or cessation of activity 

2. teach cx to acknowledge and accept alternatives offered "okay!" "sure, why not?"


name least to most prompting

indirect verbal



partial verbal

full verbal

partial physical

full physical


differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (think how you prefer him to act)

  • manding for breaks/access
  • acknowledging statements "okay" "sure"

Precursor signs that a bx will occur.

What is....

1. disrobing (clothes & shoes)

2. flopping

3. non-responding for 10 seconds or more


Name 6 antecedent strategies you should use at every session, multiple times throughout the day

1. environmental arrangements

2. session modification

3. Transitional warnings

4. Choices

5. token economy

6. visual schedule 


describe tangible extinction

1. block access to reinforcer item

2. absolutely no negotiating or bribing...it dilutes the boundary you are trying to place

Name most to least prompting


partial physical


partial verbal




give your partner/teammate one positive thing they did during sessions this week


8 bxs included in the operational definition for escape-maintained bx

What is...

1. property destruction

2. flopping

3. vocal protest ("no"/"I don't want to"/etc.)

4. non-responsive for more than 10 seconds

5. disrobing

6. aggression

7. spitting

8. engaging in enuresis


its time to transition from one activity to another, but cx is not responding...what do you do?

1. deliver instruction 1x

2. remove reinforcers from his reach

3. deliver instruction 1 more time

4. model correct responding

5. full physical transport 


What are the main teaching points for cx

teach cx to 

1. mand for attention

2. mand for break 

2. acknowledge statements

3. wait for access

4. tolerate denied access (accept alternatives)


uh oh, cx intentionally damaged something or made a mess

1. cx cleans up his mess and 2 other areas.

ex: cx spills food on the floor intentionally.... he will pick it up, throw it away, wipe tables, doorknobs and chairs down 


tell your partner 1 idea you have that may make sessions go smoother