How long had the man been blind?
From birth
Who was the man brought to after his healing?
What Jesus said He was while on earth
What is I am the light of the world
True or False:
The reason the man was blind was because he or his parents sinned.
True of False:
The Pharisees were happy that Jesus healed the blind man.
The name of the pool Jesus sent the man to
What his the pool of Siloam(Sent)?
What specific substance did Jesus put on the blind man's eyes?
Why were the Pharisees unhappy about Jesus healing the man? John 9:16
Jesus healed on the Sabbath.
True or False
Jesus met the blind man in his friends home
What did the blind man do after Jesus put the substance on his eyes?
He went to the pool at Siloam and washed the mud off.
What did the man tell the Pharisees in John 9:24-25
I don't know if Jesus is a sinner, but I do know I was blind and now see.
The day of the week when Jesus healed the blind man
What is the Sabbath?
Why did Jesus say the man was born blind?
So the works of God might be displayed.
How did the man know Jesus was really from God? John 9:32-33
Nobody has opened the eyes of a man born blind. If Jesus were not from God, he could do nothing.
What the blind man said Jesus was
What is a prophet?