True or False
John Bowlby
Double the Stakes

True or False? Bowlby worked on delinquent and affectionless children



Date of Birth

February 26, 1907


Name of theory

The Attachment theory


How was it tested: '____________'

Take 100 points from any team

‘Strange situation’

     - Children’s responses to their mother’s presence and absence, and that of a stranger, were recorded


True or False? He was a member of the Royal Army Medical Corps during World War II

True, Gain 100 points (300)



September 2, 1990


What was 'Maternal Care and Mental Health' about?

- Delinquent and affectionless children and the effects of hospitalised and institutionalised care

- Report on the mental health of homeless children in post-war Europe


Was his theory Accepted? What did it influence?

Give points to other team (200)

Has been widely accepted and has influenced therapeutic practices


True or False? He spent 7 months with the World Health Organization as a mental health consultant during the 1950s

False. He worked briefly (5 months) with the World Health Organization

Take 200 points from any team


What two schools did he volunteer at?

Lose 200 points

Bedales and Priory Gate


How did he describe attachment?

Bonus: What did he want to understand?

- "lasting psychological connectedness between human beings"

Bonus: 100 points

- understanding the anxiety and distress that children experience when separated


How does the theory work?

Double Points (600)

Children who explored the playroom while their mother was present were said to have a secure attachment style. Children who seemed to have not noticed when their caregiver left or returned were said to have an avoidant attachment style.


True or False? He studied the behavioral and psychological consequences of weak emotional bonds between mothers and their young children

False. He studied both weak and strong bonds


Name all of the Colleges he went to:

1. Trinity College 

2. University of Cambridge 

3. University College Hospital


What is the Attachment Theory

1. The theory that humans are born with a need to form a close emotional bond with a caregiver and that such a bond will develop during the first six months 

2. Emotional development of an infant is profoundly shaped by their relationship with their primary caregivers


What does his theory propose about the emotional and social development?

Other team loses 400 points

His theory proposes that the emotional and social development of an infant is profoundly shaped by their relationship with their primary caregivers