The specific well where Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman?
Jacob’s well
She was surprised that Jesus, a Jew, asked her for a drink?
Samaritan woman
Jesus told the woman, “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never ______?”
The living water represents what?
eternal life
The number of days Jesus stayed with the Samaritans?
Jesus stayed in this place for two days after the Samaritans believed in Him?
This group of people often avoided contact with Samaritans?
This is what Jesus declared Himself to be to the Samaritan woman?
Messiah or Christ
The harvest represents what?
the gathering of souls or salvation
The number of husbands the Samaritan woman had?
The time of day when Jesus met the Samaritan woman?
sixth hour (noon)
This man’s son was healed by Jesus from a distance?
The fields are described as being ready for this?
Jesus broke this cultural norm by speaking to the Samaritan woman?
the divide between Jews and Samaritans
The disciples were surprised to find Jesus doing this when they returned?
talking with the Samaritan woman
This was the miracle Jesus performed at Cana in Galilee at the end of the chapter?
healing the nobleman’s son
The prophet Jesus mentioned when He said, “A prophet hath no honour in his own country.”?
Himself (Jesus)
Jesus said, “My meat is to do the ______ of him that sent me, and to finish his ______?”
will and work
The nobleman’s faith is an example of what?
believing without seeing
The Samaritans called Jesus by this title after hearing Him?
the Saviour of the world
This is the town in Samaria where Jesus met the woman at the well?
These individuals believed in Jesus because of the woman’s testimony and His own words?
Finish this verse: “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in ______ and in ______?”
spirit and truth
The well symbolizes what?
the provision of physical and spiritual needs
The phrase Jesus used to reveal His identity to the woman?
“I that speak unto thee am he”