It’s A Miracle!!!
Who’s Who
Jesus on Jesus
YFG Trivia
The Big Picture

Jesus doesn't celebrate sin, but he certainly knows how to celebrate. This miracle proved it.

What is the miracle of changing water into wine (ch. 2)?


I doubt this person appreciates how he is normally remembered.

Who is (doubting) Thomas?


Jesus said this about himself to help explain the significance of feeding the 5,000.

What is “I am the bread of life”?


The chance (as a %) that Eddie was able to spell “Jeopardy” correctly the first time he wrote it.  

What is 0% chance?


Appearing 98 times, this verb is John’s key term.

What is to believe?


This miracle proved that Jesus is ok with letting those he loves suffer loss as a path to deepening their relationship with the Father.

What is the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead? (Jn 11)


This was his name before Jesus renamed him to Peter.

Who is Simon?


When Jesus told the disciples that He would be leaving them to go to a place where they could not follow, this “I am” statement helped calm Thomas’ anxiety over not knowing the way.  

What is “I am the way, and the truth and the life”?


The chance (as a %) that James McMillian’s will share something insightful from his unique Bible translation.

What is a 100% chance?


Because 93% of the material in John’s Gospel does not occur in Matthew, Mark or Luke theologians use this term to group Matthew, Mark & Luke apart from John.  

What are the synoptic gospels?


This miracle demonstrates that Jesus’ followers may be terrified by their circumstances despite being right where Jesus wanted them to be.

What is Jesus walking on water (Jn 6:16-21)?


This person was the first to see the empty tomb and the first to see the resurrected Jesus.

Who is Mary Magdalene?


By commanding this 38 year invlid to do this on the Sabbath, Jesus let everyone know what His relationship was to that sacred day of the week.

What is, “get up, take your bed and walk.” ?


The optimal shape of a table for the examination of deeply profound theological truths.  

What is round?


John said this is the reason he recorded the signs he recorded.

What is “so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God…”


Jesus used this miracle to teach his disciples that physical deformities are not always linked to sin.

What is the healing of the man born blind (ch. 9)?


This man had some burning questions for Jesus but was too afraid to ask during the day?

Who is Nicodemus?


Jesus says this to Martha about himself regarding his power over the life and death of her brother Lazarus.

What is “I am the resurrection and the life”?


These 2 guys need a lesson on how to hold hands and not be awkward about it.

Who are Brian and Armando?


The theological term used to describe Jesus, as God, moving into our neighborhood (see John 1:14, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth”)

What is the incarnation?


This miracle demonstrated Jesus’ ability to heal from a distance.

What is the healing of the official’s son (ch. 4)?


Never one to give a simple yes/no answer, Jesus answered this person’s question by asking him “Are you speaking of you own accord, or what others told you to ask?”

Who is Pilate?


This self declaration established Jesus’ priority over the most important character of the Old Testament and provoked the Jews to try and stone him.

What is “before Abraham was, I am”?


The people we should thank for coordinating the meal and camping trip?

Who are Hillary & Tara?


This is roughly when many scholars believe John was written.

What is “between AD 85 and 95?