That's what (s)he said
Famous Chemists
Name That Compound
Johnson Trivia
"Fun" Facts

"I pour water into the organic waste on Tuesdays"

Who is Claire Benedict


Despite being born in New York, this world-renowned chemist now serves as the Fuson Professor of Chemistry at the University of Illinois

Who is Scott Denmark


What is Benzaldehyde

Professor Johnson is a two-time Junior National Championship participant in this sport

What is curling


Therese was too busy studying and volunteering in high school that she never got to attend this modern word synonymous with a large gathering or party.

What is a function


"I've worn a life jacket 4 times in my life. Three times were for kayaking, and the fourth was for white water rafting."

Who is Therese Joffre


In 2018, this MIT graduate was elected into the National Academy of Sciences (wow!)

Who is Scott Denmark


What is TBHP


Before coming to Hope, professor Johnson did some ground-breaking research in this nordic country

What is Sweden (the one with the blue and yellow flag)


Erik couldn't celebrate this past fourth of July because he had to attend one of these typically unpleasant gatherings

What is a funeral


"I promised myself at the start of this year that I wouldn't be friends with any seniors. Then, I became friends with Erik. Now I will be sad when he leaves. Congratulations me, you played yourself"

Who is Charlie Michels 


This glorified organic chemist is known by his previous students as being a great mentor, a surprising feat due to the time commitment neccesary for being the Editor in Chief and President of Organic Reactions 

Who is Scott Denmark


What is Chloroform D


What is the most popular destination for Johnson Lab graduates pursuing advanced degrees in chemistry?

What is the Univeristy of Wisconson(Madison)?


Need to pour something into something else? Attaching one of these could help assure that all of your substance gets to where it needs to go.

What is a funnel


"I saw this on Chem Twitter and thought of you!"

Who is Sarah Krueger


This timeless chemist has nearly 30,000 citations among his 600+ papers all published within the past 35 years. With numbers like that- it's no wonder he won the official "Mr. Chemistry" award from Charles H. Michels in July of 2021.

Who is Scott E. Denmark


What is Ethyl Ether?


This Hope College professor is credited with identifying “Dress like Johnson Day” as “Nerds at the Beach”

Who is Dr. Sanford


Professor Johnson has an exceptionally high approval rating for his requests for this, typically through the ACS or NSF.

What is funding


"Who put that dumptruck in a tree?"

Jacob VanderRoest


Scoopers beware, this famous midwestern chemist got a patent filed in 2008 for his work with “Transition Metal-Catalyzed Carbon Dioxide Incorporation with Alkenes” 

Who is Dr. Professor Jeffery B. Johnson PhD


What is DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide)


The Johnson group has obtained approximately how many NMR spectra? (Round to the nearest thousand)

What is 15,000?
What is 16,000? 

(Both are acceptable answers)


Each time one uses the GC/MS, they better hope that the machine doesn't do this, or they risk having a scary talk with professor Gillmore.

What is malfunction