Joint Commission 1
Joint Commission 2
Joint Commission 3
Joint Commission 4
Joint Commission 5

How often are employees educated on PHI?

What is annual and new employee orientation?

How do you wear your hospital badge?
What is Easily visible, above the waist, face out, not flipped over.

When do you perform hand hygiene? 

What is :Before or after contact with patient or items in the patient's environment, when using the bathroom, or after body fluid exposure?


How are staff deemed culturally competent?

What is Mandatory New-Hire Cultural Competency Training, and Annual Training. 


How does BBHH ensure that staff feel safe speaking up about an error or a concern, which is a cornerstone of our Plan for Patient Safety?

What is a Just Culture?


Where are our fire extinguishers located? (Name 3 places)

What is each hall of unit, near kitchen, near front entrance, within outpatient, near emergency room. 

If you are speaking with a surveyor and don't know the answer (which is ok) what do you say?
What is I would ask my supervisor or look at the policy manual. If needed ask the surveyor to repeat the question and really listen to what they are asking for.

What are fall preventative measures offered in the facility? (Name at least 2)

Fall Risk Special Precautions

Non-skid socks


What do you do if a patient care error occurs?

What is ensure the patient is safe and report to the Charge Nurse, Nursing Leadership, Quality Director and complete an incident report. 


What is used facility wide to promote engagement and communication with staff?

What are :email, text messages, communication boards, staff meetings, and Town Halls?


What is the BBHH  mission Statement?

What is: To be committed to the wellness of individuals, their families, and the community through prevention, intervention, treatment, and education. 



What is our fire plan?

What does PASS stands for?

What is Rescue, Alarm, Confine, Extinguish?

What is Pull, aim, squeeze and sweep


There is a chemical spill in your office, what do you do?

What is review the SDS manual, ensure the area is secure, and seek assistance from EVS and/or Plant Ops? 


Who is responsible for assuring that the patient's rights are respected and maintained at all times?

What is every team member?


How can we protect patient's privacy and confidentiality?

What is Log out of computers when not in use or when unattended, medical records only accessed when required by job duties, do not leave papers with patient information unattended, provide information only to those permitted by the patient and do not discuss patient information in common areas.



How do we communicate with non-English patients?

We use the translation service called Propio


If a patient wants to report concerns over patient safety and quality care, where do you refer them to?

What is refer them to the patient advocate - Cornelio or refer to Compliance Hotline.


When should sharp containers be replaced?

What is when 2/3 full?


Who is the Facility Safety Officer?

Who is Trin West-Moore


How do BBHH employees remain competent?

What is by attending and completing Skills Fair, Healthstreams, Coaching, and required CEUs for their specialties?


How does BBHH follow National Patient Safety Goal, NPSG.01.01.01, "Identify Patient Correctly"?

What is verify 2 forms of ID; Name & DOB. ?


What are the two main, easy to use chemicals used to clean the facility at this time?

What is Bleach based blue topped wipes, and Peroxide based white topped wipes? (Clorox/Oxcivir)


What is the code called for an active shooter situation?

What is Code Silver. 

What is use plain language and offer specifics if able. 



What are two things you can do to keep patient's safe?

What is hand hygiene, wear PPE, observe for unauthorized personnel, report suspicious behavior or activities....?


Where are the Human Resource policies and/or procedures maintained? 

Where is the ShareDrive?