Joint Commission 1
Joint Commission 2
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Joint Commission 4
Joint Commission 5

How does the hospital ensure that patients are informed of their rights upon admission?

What is patients receive a Patients' Rights Package; Your Rights as a Hospital Patient in New York State;Privacy Notice


How do you wear your hospital badge?

What is Easily visible at all times, above the waist, face out, not flipped over.


When do you perform hand hygiene? 

What is upon entering and leaving a patient room; between patient contacts if more than one patient in a room; Before or after contact with patient; before donning and after removing gloves, before handling an invasive device, after body fluid exposure, and as needed such as after sneezing or coughing, and before handling food or oral medications. 

When do multi-dose vials expire?

What is 28 days from opening (date vial with date opened and 28-day expiration date). 


Who initiates the Universal Protocol (Timeout)"?

Who is  the Registered Nurse.


Where are fire alarm pull stations located?

What is near exits. 


If you are speaking with a surveyor and don't know the answer (which is ok) what do you say?

What is I would ask my supervisor or you can refer to the policy and provide the correct information. If needed, ask the surveyor to repeat the question and really listen to what they are asking for.


What falls and injuries preventative measures are offered in the facility? (Name 2)

What is bed in low position, wheel locks on the bed, stretcher, wheelchair, yellow fall risk sign, yellow wristband, yellow non-slip socks, or patients may use personal footwear: proper fitting, low heel, soft sole shoes/sneakers; purposeful rounding, call bell within reach, night light on, use of a Fall T.I.P.S. poster?


What do you do if a patient care error occurs?

What is ensure the patient is safe and report the   incident to your supervisor  and complete a VOICE  report. 


What is the name of the vendor that provides language interpretation services to assist staff in effectively communicating with limited-English persons and individuals with disabilities? 

What is  Propio and American Sign Language, Inc.?


What is the Hospital's mission?

What is to provide high quality healthcare services to all with compassion, dignity, and respect, without exception. To extend equally to all New Yorkers, regardless of their ability to pay, comprehensive health services of the highest quality in an atmosphere of humane care, dignity and respect. To promote and protect as both innovator and advocate the health, welfare, and safety of the people of the City of New York. To join with other health workers and with communities in a partnership which will enable  each of our institutions to promote and protect health in its fullest sense-the total physical, mental and social well-being of the people.

What does RACE stands for?

What does PASS stands for?

What is Rescue, Alarm, Confine, Extinguish or Evacuate?

What is Pull, Aim, Squeeze and Sweep


There is a chemical spill in your office, what do you do?

What is review the SDS manual, ensure the area is secure, and seek assistance from EVS and/or Facilities team? 


Who is responsible for assuring that the patient's rights are respected and maintained at all times?

What is every team member?


How can we protect patient's privacy and confidentiality?

What is Log out of computers when not in use or when unattended, medical records only accessed when required by job duties, do not leave papers with patient information unattended, provide information only to those permitted by the patient and do not discuss patient information in common areas.


Where can you find information on cleaning equipment?

What is OneSource. Located on hospital Regulatory intranet page.


If a patient wants to report a complaint or grievance, where do you refer them to?

What is refer them Guest Relations, Department Leader, Nursing Director, Head Nurse, Hospital Administrator, Risk Management, external agency (i.e NYS DOH, TJC, NYS OASAS, NYS OMH, NYC Office of Public Advocate, etc.)


When should sharp containers be replaced?

What is when 3/4 full?


Who manages the fire safety program at the hospital?

Who is the Safety Director and or Fire Prevention Officer. 


How do you report workplace violence?

Call hospital police at 7302 and complete WPV form on your desktop.


How does the hospital follow National Patient Safety Goal, NPSG.01.01.01, "Identify Patient Correctly"?

Use at least two ways to identify patients. Name and date of birth.


What is the wet contact time for the PDI  Super Sani- Cloth wipe ( Purple Top)?

What is the wet contact time for the PDI Sani-Cloth Bleach wipe (Orange Top)?

What is 2 minutes

What is 4 minutes


What do you do if there is an active shooter situation?

What Run-Hide-Fight.



The amount of time it takes to scrub your hands when washing your hands over a sink.

What is 20 seconds.


Where are the Hospital's policies and procedures maintained? 

On the hospital's intranet site.