JC Basics
Patient Safety
Work Place
Patient Rights
What does TJC stand for?
The Joint Commission, also known as Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
Name one of the 2015 National Safety Patient Goals
(1) Improve accuracy of patient identification (2) Improve effectiveness of communication among caregivers (3) Improve safety of using medications (4) Reduce the harm associated with clinical alarm systems (4) Reduce risk of health-care associated infections (5) Reduce the risk of harm from falls (Hospice) (6) Identify safety risks inherent to population - (Hospice ~ home fire. Hospital ~ suicide) Universal Protocol ("Time Out", Correct patient, correct site, correct procedure)
How do you identify emergency powered electrical outlets?
These outlets are RED.
How do you ensure patient privacy?
(1) Only access a patient's medical record when you have a "need to know" (2) Never discuss patients in public areas (i.e. elevators, cafeteria) (3) Maintain confidentiality of patient information when talking on the phone or at the computer. (4) Always log off of the computer when you are finished.
What are the terms Lean and RIE?
Lean: The core idea is to maximize customer value while minimizing waste. RIE: A Rapid Improvement Event provides a mechanism for making radical changes to current processes and activities within a very short time frame.
When is the Joint Commission expected to survey FLOYD?
(1) next year; (2) anytime; (3) in 2 years; (4) all of these are correct.
Name one way you reduce the risk of health-care associated infections in your department.
Handwashing. Hand hygiene (washing hands or use of alcohol-based handrub) should be performed before and after patient care. Wash your hands with soap and water when hands are visibly soiled/contaminated, before eating, after using the restroom and whenever caring for a patient with Clostridium difficile (c.diff). Use of artificial or long fingernails is prohibited. LATHER UP! FLOYD follows the WHO guidelines for Hand Hygiene. Refer to Policy: EC-05-008
What number do you call to report concerning behavior, perceived threats or acts of hostility?
(1) At Floyd the number is 123 (switchboard is 0); (2) At Polk the number is 789 (switchboard is 2500); (3) Off site locations may need to call 911.
What is an Advance Directive?
An Advance Directive is either a living will or a durable power of attorney for healthcare. It allows patients to indicate their wish(es) for health care in case they become involved in an end of life situation or are unable to speak for themselves.
Dr. X is starting his shift in the ECC. He walks down the hall. Starbucks in hand, and waves "hi" to the nurses and clerk. He rounds the corner, going through the propped open fire door to stand in front of the board. He notes that there are 2 patients with the same initials on the board. He dumps his empty coffee cup in the trash, sets down his trusty Harriet Lane Handbook on the counter, and picks up a chart. Where's the JC violation?
Only special fire doors may remain open. Doors may not be propped open.
During the JC survey, the surveyors will talk primarily to: A. The Hospital Administrators B. The doctors, nurses and staff C. The patients D. The Rome News Tribune
YOU! That's why you are playing this game, right?
How do you improve the accuracy of patient identification in your department?
(1) Use TWO (2) identifiers when providing treatment, administering medications, collecting specimens, discharging the patient. Patient's name and Patient's Date of Birth. NOT patient's room number and chief complaint (e.g the mastectomy patient in 3112)
What is the Code Phrase for Fire? What do RACE and PASS mnemonics stand for when there is a fire?
Code RED R - RESCUE patients and others, A- ALARM, C- CONTAIN/CONFINE the fire (close doors), E- EXTINGUISH the fire when it is safe to do so or EVACUATE P- Pull the pin, A-Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire, S-Squeeze the handle, S-Sweep the nozzle form side to side
What's the fifth vital sign?
(1) Pain Level. Pain is assessed using developmental/age and cognitively appropriate pain assessment tools.
How do you know a piece of equipment (e.g. defibrillator, ultrasound) is okay to use?
Check on the equipment for a BioMed sticker. (silver)
What is the "tracer" methodology?
Tracer methodology is an evaluation method in which surveyors select a patient and use that individual's record as a roadmap to assess and evaluate the organization's compliance with selected standards and the organization's system for providing care and services. (Evaluate multiple care units, departments and services)
How are you improving the effectiveness of communication between caregivers?
(1) Telephone orders are read back (2) Critical lab values are read back (3) SBAR Format and hand off report (4) We use standardized abbreviations and avoid certain unapproved dangerous abbreviations
How can you protect yourself, patients and the environment from exposure to hazardous chemicals?
(1) Read and follow directions from the Safety Data Sheets: (2) Properly store, handle and dispose of waste.
True or false Floyd is required to provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities, including persons who are deaf or non english speaking?
TRUE. Floyd will take appropriate steps to ensure that persons with disabilities, including persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or blind, or who have other sensory or manual impairments have an equal opportunity to participate in our services, activities, programs and other benefits. NexTalk, Pacific Intrepreters, Contract with Sign Language Intrepreters.
Where can you locate the current FLOYD organizational policies/procedures?
GreenLink>Policies/Compliance/Policies>Floyd Policies or Polk Policies
What is your role during the survey/tracer?
Be confident. Answer questions directly. Be honest, if you don't know the answer, don't make one up. Be specific, provide examples. Be enthusiastic and exhibit pride in your work and the organization!
Name 3 of the unapproved abbreviations.
(1) U or u (unit) (2) IU (international unit) (3) Ug (microgram) (4) 1.0 (no terminal zeros) (5) .5 (always use a leading zero - "always lead never follow" (6) T.I.W. (for three times a week) (7) qD or qoD (every day, daily or every other day) (8) MS, MSO4,MgSO4 (morphine sulfate or magnesium sulfate) Although "cc" is not on the official "Do Not Use" list, the use of "cc" is discouraged.
How often are fire drills conducted?
Fire Drills are conducted quarterly at the hospital and Floyd Behavioral Health. They are conducted annually at the off site physician practice locations/urgent care and business occupancy locations.
How are patients informed of their rights?
Upon admission, patients are given a patient information guide which includes patient rights, notice of privacy practices, process for sharing concerns/complaints as well as other information related to their hospital stay.
What is the Code Phrase for a Disaster and where is the Incident Command Center?
(1) Code Triage. (2) The Incident Command Center is in the Stuenkel Conference Center.