Patient Care
Infection Control
HR/Med Staff

The date that is on a supply indicating when it can no longer be used

What is the expiration date? 


This scoring system is required nursing documentation in ASC and PACU to measure Preop and Postoperative sedation

What is the Aldrete Score? 


This is the wet contact time of Microkill general (red top) wipes

What is two mins? 


These are documented throughout the orientation process and are required to be in employees' files.

What are initial competencies?


This is the distance from the ceiling at which items cannot be stored any closer due to the restriction of the flow of the sprinklers.

What is 18 inches from the ceiling? 


This emergency equipment must have documented checks once per shift for areas open 24/7 and daily for those that are not open 24/7

What are crash carts? 


The type of restraints utilized for patients who are aggressive and risk harming self or others

What are Violent/Self-Destructive restraints? 


This is how the glucometer must be cleaned between each patient use and as needed

What is with bleach wipes (blue-top canisters)?


This is the application used to assign most computer-based education for initial and annual training. 

What is Arkansas Children's U?


During a survey using these words lead a surveyor to believe there are inconsistencies in practice.

What is "usually", "sometimes", "well I....", etc.? 


You see a maintenance issue on your unit (i.e. stained ceiling tile, messed up wall, etc.) and report it this way

What is a Facilities Service Ticket?


Every patient is screened for this on admission to the organization (i.e. clinic, ED, ASC, inpatient)

What is abuse and neglect? 


This is the single best way to prevent the transmission of disease.

What is hand hygiene? 


This is where you would verify the credentials of a new LIP in your area who states they will be performing a procedure on a patient.

What is the "Staff Privileges" application found Arkansas Children's homepage? 


This process is initiated before starting a patient procedure to identify any missing information and prevent errors such as wrong-site surgeries.

What is the time-out? 


These are the three requirements the Joint Commission has regarding medical gas cylinder storage

What are there cannot be more than 300 cubic feet of medical gas in one collection area, cylinders that are full must be segregated from cylinders that are empty or in use, and cylinders must be secured?


This is the frequency in which patients in different types of Restraints or Seclusion (Violent, Self-Destructive and Nonviolent, Non Self-Destructive) must have documentation of monitoring and assessment?

What is every 15 minutes for Violent, Self-Destructive Restraints or Seclusion and every two hours for Nonviolent, Non Self-Destructive Restraints or Seclusion?


This infection control practice considers all patients to be possible carriers of blood-borne pathogens, and requires PPE to be used when coming into contact with ALL patients blood, urine, or other body fluids.

What are universal/standard precautions? 


Upon hire, all Arkansas Children's employees attend this one-day, basic orientation session. 

What is Champions for Children Orientation? 


These are the two preferred patient identifiers. 

What is patient name and patient date of birth? 


This type of safety exercise prepares staff to keep employees, patients, and visitors safe in the case of loss of power, earthquake, or other unexpected events.

What are emergency or disaster drills? 


High alert medications are handled and administered utilizing this process. 

What is the Independent Double Check? 


These are the five moments for hand hygiene. 

What are (1) before entering the patient's room/zone, (2) prior to inserting an invasive device, (3) after contact with body fluids or non-intact skin, (4) prior to contact with the patient if hands become contaminated, and (5) before leaving the patient's room/zone. 


This is required to be in the record and accessible to care providers after a procedure is performed and before the patient moves to the next level of care.

What is the OP note or brief OP note? 


You can find the IFUs (instructions for use) for equipment through this Third Party Resource found under the Site Links from the Arkansas Children's homepage.

What is oneSOURCE?