Disease Specific Program
Infection Control
Patient Safety
Environment of Care

These are our 3 disease specific programs.

What are hip fracture, limb loss and stroke.


This is known to be the best way to prevent nosocomial infection.

What is hand hygiene?


These are 2 ways to ensure correct patient identification.

What are: ask patient their name and DOB and validate against the wristband? 


This is how we pass clinical information to the interdisciplinary team.

What is the clinical huddle meeting?


What resource lists hazardous materials and how to manage spills?

What is the MSDS?


This person is the program manager for the limb loss program.

Who is Ron Holbrook?


This substance will be considered potentially infectious.

What is blood and body fluids?


This process must be completed with the patient (or legal decision maker) and signed prior to an invasive procedure.

What is informed consent?


This time sensitive document is used by all disciplines to demonstrate progress toward goals.

What is the iDPOC?


This is where to locate the MSDS.

What is 360?


This person is the program manager for the hip fracture program.

Who is Ashley Lover?


These precautions are used to prevent the transmission of potentially infectious blood and body fluids.

What are standard precautions?


This is the amount of time in which critical test results must get communicated to the provider.

What is 60 minutes?


This process is where the care team reviews cause of fall events and identifies interventions specific to the patient.

What is the post fall huddle process?


This is how to manage a broken piece of equipment.

What is remove it from service, tag it as broken and enter a service request?


These are the clinical practice guidelines for hip fracture.

What are: Fall pretention, pain management, osteoporosis prevention?


These items of ppe must be worn when entering a room with contact precautions.

What are gown and gloves?

We are required to use this service for each patient or family that is assessed to have a language barrier regardless of cost.

What is an interpreter.


This safety check must occur prior to sending a patient out for an appointment by transport service.

What is verification of patient's identification, where they are going and for what reason?


This is how you report unanticipated events.

What is the RL Solutions system?


These are the clinical practice guidelines for limb loss.

What are: ACT reduction, diabetes knowledge assessment, opioid use reduction and wheelchair mobility?


This is when hand hygiene must be performed.

What is upon entering the patient room, with each new task, upon exit of patient room, after contact with the patient environment, before and after passing meal trays and when hands are visibly soiled.


This is where you document any complains or grievances.

What is the e-calm system?


This communication must occur and be charted in iView prior to send a patient out for a dialysis session.

What is handoff to the HD center?


This is how we ensure a safe path of egress in an emergency.

What is keep hallways clear of clutter, not plugging equipment in while it is in the hall, elimination of workstations in the hallways.