Infection Control
Environment of Care
Patient Safety

Code RED indicates this and should be followed by what "speedy" acronym?

What is a fire and RACE (Rescue, Alarm, Contain, Evacuate).


How long should an employee wash his/her hands with soap and water?

What is a minimum of 15 seconds.


Who should you report an environmental concern to to (e.g., spill)?

Manager (if not immediate threat of harm) or NCH Safety (if there is an immediate threat of harm).


What is the hospital's patient safety program?

What is Zero Hero.


Where should an employees NCH badge be located?

What is ABOVE the waist.

Code BLUE indicates this and the number to call it can be found where?

What is a medical emergency and the number is listed on a sticker on phones (222-33).


What is the wet contact time of the Sani-Cloth wipes (gray top container)?

What is 3 minutes.

When can food and drinks be consumed in offices?

What is only when a patient is not present in the office, and drinks must have a lid on them.


As a part of the National Patient Safety Goal of Reduce the Risk for Suicide, we will...

What is: 1. Conduct environmental risk assessments that identify ligature risks in the Patient's environment and minimize those risks.  2. Screen all patients for SI who are being evaluated or treated for behavioral health conditions as primary reason for care using a validated measure (ASQ).  3. Conduct suicide assessment for those screening positive for SI on the ASQ using CSSRS (including risk and protective factors). 4. Document overall risk level or suicide and plan to mitigate those risks


What are the two acceptable patient identifiers?

What are Name and MRN.


Code GRAY indicates this and should be follow by what process?

What is severe weather, and employees and patients should remain in our offices or hallway until given other direction.


How often should toys be cleaned?

What is in between EVERY patient. If toys cannot be cleaned between patients, then any toy that is touched (by a patient or otherwise) should be placed in the "dirty toy bin" until the employee can sanitize the toy.

This should be stored within 18 inches below sprinkler heads or 24 inches below ceiling if no sprinklers

What is Nothing. 


How are safety events documented at the hospital?

What is Safe Day 


Where are the fire extinguishers located near us?

What is at the front and back of every other hallway, near the waiting area (ex. across from the patient bathroom, outside of Mike's office),  near stairwell/offstage bathrooms, at checkout desk near onstage bathrooms.


Code SILVER indicates this, with these three possible responses...

What is person with a weapon, and responses would be: call 911 and evacuate, shelter in place, or take action (only as a last resort).


How can toys be cleaned?

What is with Sani-Cloths or through a dishwasher.


When should a shipping box be removed from the work space and discarded.

What is immediately.

How do you protect children from abuse or neglect?

What is assess for past or current abuse or neglect in the DA and ongoing in sessions. If abuse or neglect is suspected, then a report will be made to Children's Services. If I'm unsure whether abuse or neglect is suspected, I should consult with my supervisor.


How long should you wash your eyes in the eye wash station?

What is 15 minutes.


Code VIOLET indicates this, and should be called when...

What is a violent/aggressive person and should be called when we have concern about the safety of individuals in our care and support is needed to help de-escalate the situation


When should employees use hand sanitizer?

What is any time an employee is entering or leaving their office when a patient is present, or when touching anything a patient has touched.


What are the 5Ps and when are they used?

What are: patient, problem, pertinent history, plan, precautions. They are used during patient handoffs (e.g., referrals).


How can we reduce the likliehood of patient falls?

What is not letting patients or siblings stand on chairs or tables and asking their parents to help as needed.


How and when do we utilize interpreters?

What is requesting one during the scheduling process, by calling interpreter services directly, by using the clinic iPad with an interpreting program installed, or using telehealth to access an interpreter.