Community Care Clinical Risk Managers
Who is David Wright & Patty Skyorc?
This technique/acronym is used to remember the basic steps for using a fire extinguisher.
What is PASS?
This is most effective way to prevent the spread of infections in a clinic.
What is Hand Hygiene
This is a mandatory safety pause before a procedure to ensure patient safety and prevent errors. This is then documented in patients EHR.
What is a Time Out?
The Joint Commission requires all medications and solutions to have these two key labels before use.
What are the drug name and expiration date?
Our Community Care's Employee Health Nurse.
Who is Christy Latiolais/ Kendall Turner?
The Joint Commission recommends using this instead of room numbers as a patient identifier.
What is the patient’s full name or date of birth?
Hand hygiene guidelines that we follow
Who is CDC-Center for Disease Control and Prevention?
Patient must give this type of permission before any procedure, ensuring they understand risks and benefits.
What is informed consent?
Before administering medication, clinics should follow this five-step verification process.
What are the Five Rights of Medication Administration?
Director of Human Resources
Who is October Ambrose?
This tells you the procedures to clean up a spill for the chemical and emergency/first aid information.
What is the SDS-Safety Data Sheets?
This is the required time for proper handwashing with soap and water.
What is at least 20 seconds?
Before accessing or sharing patient records, staff must follow this federal law protecting health information.
What is HIPAA?
Name two strategies to reduce the risk of errors with high-alert medications.
What are double-checks and independent verification, and standardized protocols?
Director of Compliance and Privacy Officer.
Who is Therese DeMay?
This acronym, used in emergency response, stands for Remove, Alarm, Contain, and Extinguish
What is RACE?
The Joint Commission emphasizes the use of these personal protective items to reduce infection risks name three---
what are gloves, masks, and gowns?
The Joint Commission requires this type of documentation when a patient refuses treatment.
What is an informed refusal form or patient refusal documentation?
The Joint Commission requires multi-dose vials to be discarded after this timeframe unless otherwise specified by the manufacture.
What is 28 days?
Infection Control and Prevention Manager
Who is Rehab Abdelfattah?
An event that could have resulted or did result, in harm to a patient.
What is a Patient Safety Event?
To prevent the spread of infections, clinics must follow these precautions for patients with airborne diseases.
What are airborne precautions, such as isolation and N95 respirators?
The Joint Commission requires clinics to provide this document to all patients, outlining their rights and responsibilities
What is the Patient Bill of Rights?
High-risk medications in clinics must be verified by this many healthcare professionals before administration.
What is two?