This Is How We Do It!
The Chain of Infection
True or False? Restocking paper supplies after we disinfect is considered a clean task and does NOT require gloves.
What is true!
Our Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved disinfectant
What is OxyCide
We always discontinue use, and consider microfiber towels "Dirty or Soiled" after cleaning these surfaces. Name 3.
What is... Bed Rails Inside of sinks Toilets or Commodes Wheels/Casters or towel is visibly soiled
This is where can you find Safety Data Sheets (SDS).
Where is... 1. In the EVS Office or 2. On any computer on the Fontana Docushare website
True or False? An Infectious Agent is an organism that has the ability to cause disease?
What is true!
This 5 letter acronym helps us explain to patients and their visitors about our role in the patient care experience.
What is AIDET.
The Oxycide dwell time is this long.
What is 5 minutes.
Name 5 High Touch Point Surfaces
What is (any 5 of the listed)... Door Handle, PPE Cabinet, Linen Hamper, Light Switches, Sink/Counter, Dispensers, Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Bed Rails, Phone, Call Button, Table(s), Chair
These should never block fire doors, fire extinguishers, crash carts, emergency exits, just to name a few.
What are housekeeping carts.
How many times do you need to break the chain of infection?
What is 1 time.
We always perform this type of hand hygiene after exiting a Contact Plus Isolation room.
What is wash our hands with soap and water.
This is the correct number of microfiber towels per 1 - 32oz bottle of Oxycide?
What is 6
We should do this with the Johnny Mop and caddy, especially for Isolation rooms.
What is dedicate a Johnny Mop and Caddy to that patients restroom. Discard after discharge or dispose of and replace as needed.
Describe what the acronym "R.A.C.E" stands for.
What is R = Rescue A = Alarm C = Contain E = Extinguish
There are this many steps in the "Chain of Infection"
What is 6
True or False? For Isolation room discharge cleaning, we should always remove the curtains prior to cleaning the room.
What is true!
If a surveyor were to ask you how do you know dwell time was observed, this would be your answer.
What is... I time how long surfaces are wet by using the clock in the patient room, my watch, cell phone timer, etc (or any acceptable answer).
Describe how we clean in 3 simple steps.
What is 1. From top to bottom 2. Left to right, right to left (or clockwise/counter clockwise) 3. Cleanest to Dirtiest
Describe what the acronym "P.A.S.S." stands for.
What is P = Pull A = Aim S = Squeeze S = Sweep
Name 2 ways you can break the "Chain of Infection" every shift.
What is Use disinfectants properly Clean properly Wear proper PPE Proper Hand Hygiene
Name 3 items that should never be on your housekeeping cart.
What are... Bleach Wipes Personal Items Food or Drinks Unlabeled Chemicals (or other acceptable answer)
What are the 2 active ingredients in Oxycide?
What are Periacidic Acid & Hydrogen Peroxide
During Occupied Patient Room Daily Cleaning and Patient Room Discharge Cleaning, this is the correct time to clean the patient restroom.
What is last, or after cleaning the patient room.
Name our Fontana Medical Center's Safety Officer
Who is Christopher Trice
In the video shown earlier, it mentioned 5 ways to break the chain for the "Mode of Transmission" (how pathogens are transferred from one place to another). Name 2 ways you can break the chain.
What is 1. Proper hand hygiene 2. Properly control airflow in negative pressure rooms 3. Use disinfectants properly 4. Handle food properly 5. Adhere to Isolation Precautions/Proper PPE