Safety First
Clinical Review
True or False: You do not have to wash your hands after you removed your gloves while working with a patient.
What is False. You must always wash your hands after removing gloves.
What do RACE and PASS mnemonics stand for when there is a fire?
R - Remove patients and others, A- Alarm, C- Contain the fire (close doors), E- Extinguish the fire when it is safe to do so or E - Evacuate P- Pull the pin, A-Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire, S-Squeeze the handle, S-Sweep the nozzle form side to side
What are the five 'rights' of medication?
What is The five pieces of information to confirm before giving medication are: 1.The right patient. 2.The right medication. 3.The right dose. 4.The right time. 5.The right route.
How often do allergies need to be documented?
What is Every visit.
The difference between a sentinel event and near miss
What is A sentinel event is an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof. A near miss is an event or situation that did not produce patient injury, but only because of chance
What items should go in bio-hazard waste containers?
What is Only items soaked in blood or specimens. (i.e. no band-aids, gloves, urine collection cups, etc.)
The phone number we should dial in the event of a true emergency at any of our outlying clinics
What is 911
In the family planning medication log book, what items need to be documented?
What is name and date of birth Name of medication, amount distributed. signature of person dispensing
What is the process to document in your procedure note that you confirmed the correct identity of the patient and the correct site of the procedure?
What is Universal Protocol.
What is CHA's mission statement? (this must be verbatim)
What is To Improve the Health of our communities
Under the sink, less than 18 inches from the ceiling, or on the floor
What is Where shouldn't we store anything?
These contain information about all chemicals and hazardous substances that we have on site, such as cleaning solutions. Information includes properties of the substance and potential health effects of contamination. Where are they located?
What is MSDS Sheets Staffnet
What is the expected turn-around time to report critical test results to the physician/ARNP/PA?
What is 60 minutes
When providing patient education, name 3 of the 5 points that must be documented
What are: -Who was educated -Topic -What was taught -Methods used -Any identified barriers to learning -Outcomes/Level of understanding
5 minutes
What is Dwell Time
When is a patient assessed for fall risk?
What is yearly starting at age 65. Patients with dizziness, gait unsteadiness, recent fall or limb injury.
Where is the Broadway meet up place should we be evacuated?
At the corner of Leone Way and Leone's pizza.
Multidose vials should be labeled with
What is the do not use beyond date
The terms OD, OS, Q.O.D. and Q.D. are examples of this.
What is What are Prohibited Abbreviations?
You must use soap & water hand-washing--when this happens, alcohol-based hand sanitizers are not acceptable for hand hygiene
What is What is when your hands become visibly soiled?
You may access your own medical record or that of your family member if you would like to get your results back sooner.
What is False
Before administering medication, drawing blood, or any patient contact, what two pieces of information should always be obtained from the patient to confirm identity?
What is name and date of birth
This is done at all visits, after hospital discharges, when a patient reports taking a new one, or when a dose is changed.
What is medication reconciliation?
True or false: Never use a leading zero when documenting medication dosage
What is False
Dr. X is starting his shift in the breast center. He walks down the hall. Starbucks in hand, and waves "hi" to the nurses and clerk. He rounds the corner, going through the propped open fire door to stand in front of the board. He notes that there are 2 patients with the same initials on the board. He dumps his empty coffee cup in the trash, sets down his trusty Harriet Lane Handbook on the counter, and picks up a chart. Where's the JCAHO violation?
Only special fire doors may remain open. Doors may not be propped open.