Environment of Care
General Tips
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This is what is paged overhead when there is a fire in the building.
What is Code Red
This is often called the fifth vital sign and is assessed on all patients during triage and throughout their stay in the ED?
What is pain?
When a surveyor asks you how long do you keep a surface wet when cleaning it, this is what they are looking for.
What is wet time? This is 2 minutes for the PDI wipes and the inforamtion can be found by reading the label for the manufacturer's guidelines
What we do when we ask the patient their name and DOB or look at their armband before drawing blood
Use two patient identifiers
This is what RACE stands for.
What is: Rescue Activate Alarm Contain Extinguish
How do you know when to replace a sharps container?
What is when it is no more than 2/3 full?
What is the name of the process we go through for all admitted patients regarding obtaining correct and current patient home medication information?
What is medication reconciliation?
These are two important pieces of inforamtion we now obtain during triage that involve using scales and other measurement tools?
What is accurate weight and estimated or stated height?
This is done at the patient's bedside just prior to any invasive procedure or sedation
What is time out?
These are the negative air flow rooms in the ED.
Where is room 10, 42, and 43?
This is the type of cleaning agent to use if you suspect your patient has c difficile.
What is bleach?
This is an example of a Do Not Use abbreviation
qd, MS, MS04
If a patient comes to the ED and does not speak English, we do this.
Obtain an intepreter either by using the ipad or the telephone.
These are the people who can turn off medical gases if needed.
Who are: Fire Department Respiratory Therapy Engineering Security House Coordinator
This is the name of the process we do to all non critical patient care equipmet after it is used on a patient and before it is used on another patient. Give an example
What is Low Level Disinfection? Wheelchair seats, thermometers, stethoscope diaphrams, blood pressure cuffs, pulse ox probes