Life Safety
Patient Rights
Trivial Pursuit
Gel In Gel Out

This is what I would do in the event of a fire/smoke

What is RACE? R: rescue/remove people from immediate fire scene/room A: Alert/Activate fire pull station, call 3506 with location of fire C: Confine fire by closing all doors to rooms and areas E: Extinguish small fire with portable fire extinguisher/ Evacuate horizontally to another fire zone if necessary


What is the 5th vital sign?

Pain assessment or scale.


"I'm not sure, let me ask my supervisor"

What is the correct response for a question you are unsure of?


These are the 3 most common hospital acquired infections for patients

What are UTI, pneumonia, skin infection/wounds.


This is the acronym for hand off communication

SBAR: Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendations


During power failure what outlets will continually have power?

The red ones!


This order must be renewed daily

What is an order for restraints?


The acronym NPSG stands for this:

What is "National Patient Safety Goals"?


MRSA/VRE are considered this type of isolation precaution. 

What are contact precautions?


Patient Experience, Fall Prevention, Infection Prevention

What are the three Hospital Wide QAPI Teams?


These are 3 examples of what you would do if you received a bomb threat by phone

What is remain calm, speak in normal tone, listen for distinguising characteristics of caller's voice and background noise? (also acceptable: call public safety, write down everything you remember the caller saying, ask where the bomb is located)


Federal law designed to assure access to emergency care to all persons

What is EMTALA?


A campaign to encourage patients and family members to voice concerns about their care

What is Speak-Up?


One minute

What is the Dwell or Contact time for Cavi-Wipes?


This program is used to report adverse patient events, medical errors, and near misses

What is Quantros?


This is a patient safety event that reaches a patient and results in death, permanent harm or severe temporary harm.

What is a sentinel event?


When transmitting PHI via email, what word must you put at the end of the subject line in order for it to be secure?

What is Encrypt or ENCRYPT THIS?


This group of patient safety experts (made up of physicians, pharmacists, nurses, clinical engineers, and other professionals) advises the Joint Commission on the development and updating of NPSGs. Additionally, they help to identify patient safety issues and advises the Joint Commission how to address these issues.

What is the Patient Safety Advisory Group?


Once per day or whenever soiled

The frequency of cleaning patient care items such as blood pressure cuffs, etc.


These adverse patient events are reported for tracking trends and developing QAPI initiatives

Patient falls, adverse drug reactions, patient elopement


The National Patient Safety goals are a list of Joint Commission identified requirements which highlight problematic areas in healthcare. The list for 2019 contains the following goals. Name at least 2.


1. Identify patient's correctly. 


2. Improve Staff Communication.


3. Use Medicines Safely. 


4. Use Alarms Safely. 


5. Prevent Infection 


6. Identify Patient Safety Risks


7. Prevent Mistakes in Surgery


The Columbia Rating Scale is a screening tool for this

What is Lethality Risk?

An evaluation method in which surveyors select a patient and us that individuals record as a roadmap to move through an organization to assess and evaluate the organizations compliance with selected standards.

What is the tracer methodology?


These are the 5 moments of hand hygiene

What are (1)Entering/leaving room (2) Before gloving and after removing gloves (3) Before and after patient contact (4) After body fluid exposure risk (5) After contact with patient surroundings.


Falls Prevention PDSA, Pressure ulcer PDSA, Bowel/Bladder FIM PDSA are all examples of this

What are some of the Rehab Departmental QAPI projects?