What does PASS stand for?
Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep
Term for how long a surface needs to remain wet after wiping with a sanitizing cloth.
Dwell time
Location on the intranet where our radiation safety manual is now stored.
How should extra pillows be stored if they are not in a cabinet?
Plastic bag
What number should be dialed for an adult medical emergency?
What number should be dialed to report a fire or smoke?
What type of mask should be worn when caring for a patient with chickenpox?
The use of a medical interpreter must be documented where?
Where are the patient rights located?
Waiting rooms
How have you been formally trained on diversity, equity, and inclusion?
Annual healthstream
What does RACE stand for?
Rescue, Alarm, Contain, and Evacuate
You notice that a ceiling tile is stained, possibly from water damage. What step should you take to help get this resolved?
Place a work order
If you need to find information on how to safely store a chemical, what reference should you access?
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on the intranet
What is the maximum temperature a blanket warmer may be set to?
130 degrees F
Who can shut off the main oxygen valves?
Imaging manager/supervisor, nurse manager, respiratory therapist, or designee
These help separate horizontal evacuation zones and take a long time to burn through.
Smoke doors
What is the correct order of donning your PPE (mask, gloves, and gown)?
Gown then mask then gloves
All visitors under what age are prohibited from accompanying a patient beyond the imaging waiting area?
Under 17 years old
What is the appropriate way to call a patient from the waiting room?
First name and last initial
Name two quality initiatives in imaging.
Critical results notification, time to third appointment, technical quality, hand hygiene compliance, report turn-around time, and repeat analysis.
What is the distance needed between sprinkler heads and items on the top shelf?
18 inches
How long must the surface remain wet when using the purple top super-sani wipes?
2 minutes
How often are radiation safety policies reviewed?
Who is responsible for annual inspections of medical equipment such as blood pressure equipment and infusion pumps?
Biomedical engineering
Name one Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goal.
Identify patients correctly, improve staff communication, use medicines safely, use alarms safely, prevent infections, identify patient safety risks, improve health care equity, and prevent mistakes in surgery.