Patient Safety Goals/survey
Environment of Care
General, Security
General 2
2 patient identifiers (name, date of birth or name and medical record number). Never the patient's room number.
What are accurate patient Identifiers.
Dietary wipes (red top) 1 min Standard wipes (purple) 2 min C-Diff wipes (blue) 3 min
What is dwell and air dry times for cleaning products?
PASS P - pull A - aim S - Squeeze S - Sweep
What is put out a fire.
Process used for handoff and receiving report Situation Background Assessment Recommendation
What is SBAR?
Check for Paul Gann consent. Double check patient and type; use within 4 hrs
What are steps involved in blood administration?
When information is received from laboratory, radiology, pathology. Results are documented, read back and called to the provider within a specified period of time.
What are critical lab results?
Horizontally, through double doors.
What is an evacuation route?
The Lime green version allows entry to general area, ambulatory. Lime green checkered means visitor failed health screen, mask offered, permits entry to general area, ambulatory, departments, units monitor visitor. Neon Pink permits entry to common/public areas or escort to employee health or security appointment.Blue Stripe permits entry to inpatient care units. Finally Black and white checkered means off duty or out of uniform police officer carrying a weapon.
What are visitor armbands?
A family-activated patient safety program created to be a resource for parents to call for help when they feel they are unable to get help from the staff around them.
What is Condition Help?
Emergency power supply, these are the only outlets that function in a power failure at the hospital.
What are red outlets?
An expectation of the RN role, this involves providing input supervisors, serving on project teams, assisting with data collecting or reporting, etc.
What are performance improvement (PI) projects/activities?
hand hygiene
What is primary method of preventing the spread of infections?
A set up to manage the hospital's response to disaster such as each of the following: 1. event directly affecting the hospital 2. event has occured in the community and casualties are likely, but not yet directed to the hospital 3. event has occured in the community and casualties are on their way or have arrived at the hospital Otherwise known as this.
What is HICS (hospital incident command center 1. code purple 2. triage phase 1 3. triage phase 2
Initiatives such as CLABSI's, IVH and hand hygiene
What are some of the Performance improvement projects being addressed in your area?
Admission assessment and H&P must be completed within these time frames.
What are 72 and 24 hours?
The reason for admission, pain score trending, the goals and plan of care and preparation for discharge.
What are questions the surveyor may ask?
The corresponding bins for 1. bioharzard waste (nothing stacked on this) 2. all non-RCRA pharmaceutical waste 3. Sharps, broken glass, scissors, needles, staples 4. confidential information
What are 1. Red bin 2. white or blue bin 3. sharps container 4. confidential trash (usually black) containers for PHI (protected health information), shredding PHI
Department emergency response plan. Located on the George page, both Unit and hospital wide are outlined.
What is a DERP?
right medication right patient right time right dose right route
What are the 5 rights of safe medication administration?
Keep patients and families informed of what is going on, informed of the risks, benefits, alternatives, outcomes of treatment and including them in the plan of care. This incorporates doctors calling parents every day with updates.
What is involve the patient and family in patient care decisions?
Showing an assessment, physician's progress nots, social worker and case management notes in addition to locating consents and H&P.
What is walk through the patient's record?
Rescue, locate the nearest Alarm, Contain and Extinguish using a nearby fire extinguisher if possible are all duties to carry out in a fire, often referred to as this acronym.
What is RACE?
The colors associated with the following codes A- adolescent B - baby under 2 yrs old C - child 2-12 weapon, hostage bomb threat managing agressive behavior hazadous material spill/release
What are code pink code silver code green code gray code yellow
DON'T Guess! Courteously tell them that you do not know and offer to find the answer for them. Remember your resources, you can refer to the various pages within the George page or ask your Charge nurse or colleague.
What is the best thing to do when asked a question by a surveyor to which you don't have the answer?
Attend to the patient's medical, emotional, spiritual needs. Notify approriate supervisors and complete patient safety alert
What is the proper response to serious errors and medical adverse events?