Instrument Processing
Policy & Procedure

How do I call for a code blue? How do I call for a rapid response? 

Code blue - dial 88 from any Children's phone

Rapid response - 62470 from any Children's phone. 


How many steps are in the cleaning and disinfecting process to protect against viruses and bacteria? 

2 steps; cleaning and disinfecting 

What instruments can be sterilized?

Any re-usable procedural instrument. 


What do we do in the event of a severe weather alert?

Close window blinds & shades. Clear hallways of any unneeded equipment. Close doors to unoccupied rooms. Refrain from working near a window. Inform patients/families/teammates it is not safe to leave the building. Wait until 'all clear' to resume normal operations. 


When should I send a package back from sterile processing?

 If the package has any discoloration, water marks, indicator strip is upside down, rips/tears in the package, instrument tape is peeling/broken, instrument does not look clean, closable instruments are processed in the closed position. 


What constitutes a code blue to be called? 

Immediate medical assistance needed such as airway management, chest compressions or anyone who has signs of stroke or heart attack. 

How do you clean the e-synchrony boards?

PDI Easy Screen Wipes


How do you transport used instruments?

Puncture resistant, leak proof, sealable and visibly labeled biohazard transport container. 


What do I do if there is an active shooter in the immediate area?

Get out (run away if accessible escape path), Hide out (if evacuation not possible - rooms with the children's symbol above the door), Take out (last resort only if life is in imminent danger). 


How long is a product good for from the date of manufacture if there is no expiration date on it?

3 years or earlier if the package is compromised. 


What events qualify for calling a rapid response team?

Acute change in respiratory status (change from pt's baseline). Labored breathing, significant change in respiratory rate, pale color, agitation/decreased level of consciousness. 

Acute change in perfusion (change from pt's baseline). Fast/slow heart rate, cyanosis/mottling, decreased level of consciousness, cool extremities. 

Acute neurological changes (change from pt's baseline). Altered level of consciousness, dilated/sluggish/unequal or unresponsive pupils. 

Concern about clinical condition regardless of any clinical or lab findings (gut feeling)

How do we clean the Buzzy's after patient use? 

PDI purple top wipes


What do I do if I cannot pre-treat the instruments immediately after use? 

Place water-soaked paper towel over the instruments. Not saline! 


What do I do if there is an outside threat of an active shooter? 

Site goes under lockdown. Clear waiting rooms. Notify patients/families/teammates it is unsafe to leave the building. Patient care can continue in the building. 

Should I have food/drinks out?

No, when JC is here, all food/drinks need to be put away. 

No open containers such as cans. 


What happens if you get a needlestick/blood exposure?

Notify leadership, locate the purple folder (medication room, 3rd drawer on the left), document in Ready Set. 


How long does the HEPA run after patient use (when it is needed)? 

30 minutes 


Once rinsed and placed in the sterile processing container, should scissors, needle drivers or clamps be opened or closed?



What happens if there is a missing person in the building? 

Recall description of the missing person, complete a comprehensive search for the missing person. Inform families a missing person search is underway and to remain with their children. Stage in stairwells, exits and near elevators. 


Do decorations need to be laminated?

Yes! to be in compliance with the JC, all decorations must be laminated and be wipeable. 

If we need to evacuate the Yabuki tower, how do we do so?

Exit through the evacuation stairwells (stairwell 12 closest to derm or stairwell 11 closed to the break room). Meeting location is back road near the MCW building. 


What PPE must be worn when cleaning instruments?

Gown, face shield, mask, gloves 


What is placed on the 'dirty' label on the SPD transport container?

Date, time of first pre-klenz spray and your initials. 


Where do I go to find out if a patient is able to be seen or not in the outpatient setting and under what isolation precautions?

Connect page -> isolation chart 

Connect page -> practice and policy tab -> infection prevent and control tab -> isolation precaution infection control isolation chart


What year was Twitter launched?