Are you ready?
Rub a dub scopes in a tub
Dr. Acula
5 Second Rule
Tik Tok

Elements present on consent form

What is: Responsible provider (with credentials)

             Patient Signature

             Interpreter (as applicable)

             Witness signature


How dirty scopes are transported

What is: In leak-proof, puncture-proof, biohazard labeled container


Patient must sign prior to transfusion

What is: Consent or Declination form


Single use patient care items

What is: coban tape, bath wipes, and tissues


Wet times for disinfectant wipes

What is: 2 minutes for purple 

             3 minutes for Grey/Red

             4 minutes for Orange(Bleach)


How to verify provider privileges

What is: Intranet->staff resources-> credentialing 


PPE worn during pre-cleaning of scopes

What is: long sleeved impervious gown, gloves, mask, and eye protection


Blood/Blood products must be transfused within this timeframe from pick up at blood bank

What is: Within 4 hours


The CDC recommends this amount of time for hand hygiene

What is : 20 seconds


How long are the Glucometer control solution vials good for after opening?

What is: 3 months, dated on bottles. 


Ways to protect PHI

What is: log of computers, dispose of information in shred bins, do not text patient information, not leave documents unattended, never share passwords/logins, do not share PHI on social media, only looking at PHI needed for your role


Test performed on endoscopes during manual cleaning process

What is: Leak testing


Patient education should be 

What is: Transfusion education attached to AVS


            Documented in blood admin flowsheet


Do you clean or disinfect glucometers and I-Stats?

What is: BOTH, you must use two wipes; one to clean and one to disinfect


How long are Glucometer test strips good for after opening?

What is: 6 months, dated on bottle


Elements present during timeout

What is: Visually confirmed consent

             Confirmed patient identity 

             Procedure being performed & Provider                     

             No distractions


Item placed on tip of endoscope, when pre-clean is completed for transport

What is : Koala sponge (yellow sponge)


Frequency of VS documented during transfusion

What is: A Baseline, Start of transfusion (blood enters body), 15 minutes after start, hourly from start time, at completion



Location of spill kits

What is: Dirty side scope room (big kit)

             Foramlin spill kits in procedure room 1, 2, and 4 as labeled on the cabinets


Storage hanging time for flexible endoscopes

What is : 7 days


What color wipes are used to LLD probes and what are the directions used in the 3 wipe method?

What is:  Purple Wipes

1. Base to Tip (removing Gel/Debris)

2. Base to Tip (LLD the Probe)

3. Base down cord to Plug (LLD the Cord)


Part of manual cleaning process

What is: Visually inspect for holes, tears or other damage to scope


Ways peri-op conserves/prevents blood loss in patients

What is: Use of cell saver in cases with EBL >750ml, coagulation labs prior to procedures 


What wipes do you use to clean glucometers and i-stat machines?

What is: Purple wipes, or orange wipes for C-Diff


Time frame from scope pre-cleaning to manual cleaning

What is: 60 minutes (documented in SPM)