National Patient Safety Goals
Care, Treament, & Services
Rights & Responsiblilities
Environment & Safety
Mystery Category

Use two of these when providing care, treatment, and services

What are two patient identifiers?


At a minimum, the preliminary treatment plan must address this....

What is safety?


This committee reviews complaints initiated by youth and/or their families served by the PRTF with a goal of resolving them.

What is the Legal and Ethics Committee?


The Joint Commission requires organizations to activate their Emergency Management Plans.  The PRTF needs to activate how many EMP's to be in compliance?

What is two EMP's per year?


Completeness of clinical record, ITP meeting attendance, outcome measures, and nightly refrigerator temperature checks are examples of these.

What are Performance Improvement Activities?


The process used when obtaining information about a client's medication.

What is medication reconciliation?


At a minimum, food allergies, eating habits, dental problems, appetite, and weight loss/gain of 10 lbs in the last 3 months are included in this screening. 

What is a Nutritional Screening?


Policies and procedures, and the ways that staff interact with the youth and involve them in care, treatment or services is an example of how these are put into action.

What are the patient's rights/respecting the rights of the individual served?


The PRTF conducts these once per shift per quarter.

What are fire drills?


Precautions are needed when ordering these LASA medications.

What are Look Alike Sound Alike medications?


Following the CDC and/or the WHO guidelines for washing hands helps to ensure this. 

What is infection prevention?


As a treatment provider of children/youth, the PRTF facilitates and coordinates the involvement of these individuals from the outset.

Who are families/guardians?


The client, parent/guardians (when applicable) and treatment providers collaborate on this.

Who is involved in the development of a client's treatment plan?


The organization investigates the outbreaks of infectious disease within the organization to prevent this...

What is the spread of infections?


According to the Joint Commission, these two elements are inextricably linked safety and.....

What is quality?


The Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) is administered at admission and, as-indicated, throughout treatment by the PRTF's psychiatrists to assess this. 

What is identifying individuals/youth at Risk for Suicide?


To minimize the use of these, staff receive ongoing training and demonstrate an understanding of the underlying causes of threatening behaviors exhibited by youth served....

What are ESI's (Emergency Safety Interventions)?


The PRTF promotes awareness of day, time and season by having these in the cottages....

What are schedules?

No more than 18 inches from the ceiling
What is how far items should be from the ceiling?

The effective use of this enables the PRTF to identify problems, prioritize issues, develop solutions, and track to determine success. The Joint Commission requires us to collect it and use it.

What is data?


The suicide of an individual/youth served in a staffed, round-the-clock care setting is called.... 

What is a Sentinel Event?


Incorporating client's own words and using quotes in the clinical record.

What is evidence that the client was an active participant in the development of the treatment plan?


Obtaining this presents an opportunity to establish a mutual understanding of the potential benefits and risks of the proposed care, treatment, or services for the youth served.

What is Informed Consent?


Everyone who works at the PRTF has responsibility for preventing and controlling this.

What is infection?


The Joint Commission requires this type of evaluation of the EOC (Environment of Care) to review its management plan, objectives, scope, performance and effectiveness.  By doing this, the organization makes sure of relevant and useful guidance in managing the environment of care.

What is an annual evaluation of EOC plans?