Is Jojo always grumpy?
No, only sometimes.
Does Jojo carry an ADHD Diagnosis?
Jojo is having a hard time with manners when talking to mom. His face is red. He is screaming loudly. What feeling is Johdal having?
Jojo is mad right now.
How do we know that Jojo is having a hard time paying attention in class?
His eyes to the side out the window. He is signing in class instead of listening to the teacher.
Jojo is smiling and being nice to his mother. He uses terms like "delighted" to describe what he is feeling. What emotion is Johdal feeling?
Jojo is happy right now.
Jojo is scratching his ear. He is asking clarifying questions. What is he feeling?
Jojo is confused right now.
Jojo is throwing things. Someone is cursing at him. What is Jojo feeling?
Jojo feels frustrated.