On this date I said many silly things, including "That guy has a reverse beard!"
What is the 3rd Date/Mohican?
In this month, we shared our first almost kiss, our real first kiss, and our first time not making dinner.
What is April?
We send these every night.
What are kiss emoji's?
Name of our Winery, soon to be expanded into a full on resort experience.
What is Layman's?
The first of these was created for Hannah B (and her 20+ suiters).
What is Bachelor BINGO?
On this date I told you that your favorite painting looked like hairy legs.
What is our 1st Date?
In what season were the first set of Jon and Kelli Goals made?
Sometimes you fly to Columbus, sometimes we have dates here.
Your life dream is to become Jon, this, in order to fund and curate the most perfect concert, theater, and library experiences.
What is Patron of the Arts?
At this, you usually beat me, but I don't really mind being second.
On this date, we (not so secretly) bought each other bottles of wine... and then drank them on our Bachelor Date the next week.
What is Camping at Hocking Hills?
What is the approximate amount of time between you and I saying "I love you!"
What is 3 weeks/a month?
You always sign your letters,
"This, Jon"
And it makes me really happy! :)
What is "Yours"?
This is the name of the camper that we will NOT be purchasing because "I am not a bird. I will fall out of the nest."
What is the Wooly Bear?
My favorite of these I see at least twice a day, when I brush my teeth.
Hint: "Fine as Hell"
What are the sticky notes?
On this date I got us in for free, and the cashier really made a big deal of it.
What is our date to the Conservatory?
In June, we had our first camping trip together, had an incredible time, and also had our first one of these.
Number of shows we have watched "together" over Facetime.
What is 3?
GLOW, The Bachelor, and Rhythm and Flow
The first ever one of these was created by Kelli and sent in a letter, and then completed on her visit to NJ.
Think Laymen's entertainment.
What is the Laymen's Lib?
What is bumping into each other?
On this date, you told me "It is so sexy that you know about the Emerald Ash Borer."
What is Kelli's Birthday/Margarita Festival?
During this time of year we experienced our 1st stay in the bonus room.
When apart we have had sexy time over these three modes of communication.
What are text, call, and Facetime.
Laymen's will serve this, as well as its seasonal wine selections.
What is Sangria?
The preferred location to spend an evening, typically in the summer, likely with a beverage.
What is the porch?