why did he not like the ninevites?
they killed his family
Why did it swallow Jonah?
God told it to
Were the ninevites nice?
Everyone deserves a what?
A second chance
Jonah was a what?
A christian
why did they throw him overboard?
They believed that God was anry with him, also the storm.
How long was Jonah in the belly of the fish?
3 days, 3 nights
Who did the ninevites not like?
What is more important than revenge?
Who were the people who were helping Jonah flee God?
What did God want Jonah to do?
Preach to the ninevites
Where did the big fish bring jonah?
Why did Jonah Repent?
He realized that God was greater than his fear.
How many times will God forgive you?
Infinte, he will always forgive you!
Where was Jonah Fleeing to instead of ninevah?
What did Jonah smell like in ninevah
What sea was Jonah Crossing?
mediterannean sea