Jonah 1
Jonah 2
Jonah 3
Jonah 4
Jonah Misc.

What did God command Jonah to do?

"Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh. Announce my judgement against it because I have seen how wicked its people are." Jonah 1:2


What did Jonah do when he was inside the fish?

He prayed to God. "I cried out to the LORD in my great trouble." Jonah 2:2


What was Nineveh's reaction to Jonah's message?

They had turned to God by humbling themselves and asking for mercy. They had also stopped their evil/wicked ways. Jonah 3:10

Why was Jonah angry at Nineveh?

"The change of plans greatly upset Jonah" Jonah 4:1

What city did Jonah want to go to instead of Nineveh?

Tarshish Jonah 1:3


What happened when Jonah was thrown into the sea?

The storm stopped immediately and the sailors were awestruck and vowed to serve God. Jonah 1:16


What was Jonah's response when he THOUGHT that God was distancing himself from Jonah?

He acknowledged it and began changing saying, "O LORD, you have driven me from your presence. Yet I will look once more toward your Holy Temple." Jonah 2:4  


Why do you think God gave 40 days before Nineveh would be overthrown?

40 is a common number in the Bible. 

(The time of rain during the flood- Gen. 7:4; the time Moses spent on the mountain with the Lord- Ex 24:18 and Ex 34:28; the time the Israelites went to spy out the Promised Land- Num 13:25; the time Goliath challenged the Israelites- 1 Sam. 17:16; Elijah’s time of testing in the wilderness- 1Kings 19:8; Jesus’ time of testing in the wilderness- Matt 4:2, Mark 1:13 and Luke 4:2; Jesus time of ministry on earth after His resurrection- Acts 1:3.) 


What was the real reason that Jonah fled to Tarshish?

"I knew that you are a merciful and compassionate God, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. You are eager to turn back from destroying people." Jonah 4:2


In Jonah 3, what is the king representing when he stepped down from his throne, took off his royal robes and dressed himself in burlap? 

It showed that the king had heartful repentance and faith for his people toward and that there was an urgent need to be humbled


How did the sailors respond when Jonah answered their questions? How did that display God's character?

The sailors were terrified and they didn't want to accept God so they TRIED rowing harder. God is the only God and that he doesn't change who he is and his mission stays true. Jonah 1:13


What should we do in times of distress?

We should always remember the Lord, turn to him, and have an earnest prayer. Jonah 2:7


What is the king's message to his nobles to send? What does that teach us about leadership?

"No one, not even the animals from your herds and flock, may eat or drink anything at all. People and animals alike must wear garments of mourning, and everyone must pray earnestly to God. They must turn from their evil ways and stop all their violence." Jonah 3:7-8 

Lead by example. People are watching and listening to what you are doing and it's very important to lead how Christ would.


What was God's response toward Nineveh?

"But Nineveh has more than 120,000 people living in spiritual darkness, not to mention all the animals. Shouldn't I feel sorry for such a great city?" Jonah 4:11


Was it fair for Jonah to get upset at the Ninevites?

No, just as God can forgive us for our sins and Jonah's, he can also forgive others. 


What was the God's response to Jonah's disobedience and what did it display about his character? 

God caused a violent storm to disrupt the ship. It is impossible to run from God and he will bring consequences. Jonah 1:4


What was Jonah's sacrifice to God?

"But I will offer sacrifices to you with songs of praise, and I will fulfill all my vows. For my salvation comes from the LORD alone" Jonah 2:9


Does God change his mind?

No, God does not change his mind but gives people free will to choose to turn to God or not to follow God. God changes what the consequences are not his mind. 


Why do you think God raised up a plant to protect Jonah from the sun?

He raised up the plant to be the objective of teaching for Jonah. He used the plant as an analogy to try and get Jonah to see how he is acting. Showing him how he cares more for a plant that was risen for a day than an entire city of 120,000 people being saved through God's mercy and grace.


Are things just coincidences?

No, we see in Jonah 4 God made the leafy plant grow over Jonah's head to shade him from the sun. God shows us that even the little details in our lives God has them put there for a reason.


Describe God in Jonah 1 and say how it can apply to your life?

God's commands are clear and they need to be obeyed. No one can run from God. God is the only true God.

God desires me to share him to the lost. We should not flee God when he asks us to do something.


Describe God in Jonah 2 and say how it can apply to your life?

God hears the cries of his children. God not only can throw us into difficult situations, but he creates those situations for our own good.

I can always go to God when I need help. He always hears my prayers and has good happening through the uncertainty.


Describe God in Jonah 3 and say how it can apply to your life?

God is merciful and gives second chances. God is consistent. God holds the power if life and death is his hands.

We should repent always and desire to change from sinning.


Describe God in Jonah 4 and say how it can apply to your life?

God's plan is perfect. God is merciful, gracious, compassionate, slow to anger, loving, etc. He often teaches through asking questions and giving practical life lessons. 

We shouldn't question God's methods or his plans even if we don't understand them. We should keep our priorities right and always value people more than things.


How has God spoken to you about the story of Jonah? 
