What is our phone number?
What type of patients does it serve?
Only new patients
How old will JFO be on October 19, 2024?
17 years
What % discount do we offer local dentists and their family?
What do we give away when we SPOT a JFO car magnet?
$25 gift card
What is our address?
14650 N Kelsey St #109
Monroe, WA 98272
What are the open hours on weekdays?
What (offsite) event takes place on August 6, 2024?
National Night Out against crime
What % discount do we offer local dental professionals and their family?
50% (after any insurance)
When does our current Nike contest end?
September 30, 2024
What are the open hours on weekends?
What (offsite) event is happening on October 27, 2024?
Photo Day at JW Photography Studio
Do we offer a discount to Monroe school district members?
Not any longer
How can someone earn a s'mores box?
Complete a google (or other) review
what is our social media handle?
How do they know what appointments we have available?
We must update the Smile Suite schedule every time we book or cancel a new patient exam.
What event will we host at JFO on November 4, 2024?
Cash for Candy
What $ discount do we offer to a 2nd family member?
When a team member is mentioned in a review and becomes O-FISH-ially famous, what do you win?
$25 gift card
what is our "emergency" phone number?
Where can you find this information on our website?
Click the complimentary consultation tab.
When is Dr. Jones birthday?
November 6, 1977
What $ discount do we offer to the Salem Woods PTA members?
$250 full tx or $100 Phase 1
What will we all win when we get to 200 google reviews?
We're splitting $200 and taking a picture together