Who is the last boss in Street Fighter 1?
Who is Sagat
Who is the Patriarch of the Mishima clan?
Who is Heihachi
Who is this sexy beast
Who is Jon
Forward, Down, Down-forward Punch
What is Shoryuken
How many version of Street Fighter 2 are there?
(Not individual platform releases but Versions of Street fighter 2)
How many Dolls does M.Bison/Vega/Dictator have?
In Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, who are the Deadly Alliance?
Who is Shang Tsung and Quan Chi
What is Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
Forward, Down Forward, Down, Down Back, Back, Back Up, Up, Up Forward, Punch
What is a Piledriver
This is the very first platform fighter ever made, which would later be the inspiration for Super Smash Bros
What is The Outfoxies , a 1995 arcade game
What is the Japanese original name of Akuma's Raging Demon?
What is Instant Prison Murder
Are 3D fighting games superior to 2D fighting games?
What is No
What is Fist of the North Star
Away, Away, 1
What is Get Over Here or Scorpions Spear
Chun-li is 23 in Street Fighter 2, and 27 in Street Fighter V.
How old is Chun Li in Street Fighter IV?
What is 24
In which Street Fighter game do you fight Sheng Long?
What is Street Fighter 6
This is the name of the sword that the characters are fighting for in the PSX game Soul Blade
What is Soul Edge
This PS3/PS4 anime fighting game has characters from Sword Art Online, Valkyria Chronicles, and the anime Ro-Kyu-Bu!
What is Dengeki Bunko Climax
Light Punch, Light Punch, Back, Low Kick, High Punch
What is Raging Demon
How much would it cost to buy all the DLC for Dead or Alive 6 on Steam assuming there is no sale (don't worry about tax get within 100 dollars of the answer please)
This Street Fighter character is an Homage to a character from the 1976 film "Master of the Flying Guillotine"
Who is Dhalsim
Hyo Imawano is the final boss of this 3D Fighting Game
What is Rival Schools
Melty Blood is a very niche but respected anime fighter, what is the name of the developer of this series?
What is French Bread
Down Back, Forward, Down Forward, Down, Down Back, Back, Down Foward, A or C
What is Geese Howards Raging Storm, or the Pretzel Input
This Street Fighter characters original concept design was to be a "Pizza Assassin"
Who is Menat