Most common phrase from helldivers
What is (Any one of these) For Democracy/For Freedom/For Super Earth
The Fortnite island has undergone another BIG transformation. The Fortnite map has been turned upside down. What # came from this(religious people who have no idea what Fortnite is thought they were like satanist or something)
Sam is
Who is Sam
Creator of the logs/Beastiary
Who is Sigurd
What was my opinion on zane
What is I very "Mildly" disliked him(now were friends)
Starting gun
What is Liberator
Start of the complex story
What is season 4 Ch1
Prezzy(s)(all or one if there's 1)
Liam(J. Prezzy), Zane(Allied J. Prezzy iozyte)
New monster kills anything also thought to be a weapon of war
What is Old Bird
Scourge of the galaxie
Who are Terminids
What is 100
The most pooki of them all
who is Landon
New monster with a blob face and is huminoid
Who is Butler
(stratagem code)Up Right Down Down Down
What is 500kg boom
The First live event
What is original rocket launch
Came Back(Month only)
What is September
Very radioactive is thought to be a weapon of war
what is Coil-head
The GM(Game Master)
Who is Joel
How many total seasons are there
what is 29
Liam Hates
Who is Nobody(he said he likes Zane again)
Blind Monster
My opinion on camron
What is even before I found out he was behind it all I DISPICED HIM