Jordan has how many dogs?
Jordan has been part of how many divisions at CHG?
One! CHA
Jordan likes to lead with fun and _____
Who's Jordan's celebrity crush?
Jordan has lived in how many countries and how many states?
1 country, 1 state
Jordan has been at CHG for how many years, and how many months?
1 year, 7 months
True or False - Jordan likes to lead people with the leadership style that is most comfortable to the person he is coaching.
What is Jordan's favorite hobby?
Working out, no more flag football, broke my ankle in 2021.....ouch!
Jordan has how many children?
None, zero, nada
Which role did Jordan come through CORE as?
How does Jordan feel about development goals?
They are a top priority for Jordan personally, and for those on his team.
Jordan's favorite movie is?
Man on Fire, loves Denzel Washington.
Jordan has been married for how many years?
7.5 years!
Which team is Jordan joining Subs from?
Jordan's favorite type of deal to close.
The next one!
Jordan has how many pairs of shoes?