something that barks.
what is a dog
something that helps you walk.
something that is insoluble in water
what is lipids.
something that is very dangerous and spins at high speeds.
What is a twister
the first element on the periodic table.
what is hydrogen.
something that meows.
what is a cat.
something that helps you pick up stuff.
what is hands.
something that's monomer is a amino acid.
what is protein.
something that has storm surges, tornadoes, heavy rain fall, high winds, and death.
What is a Hurricane.
What is the only element that is liquid at room temperature? a. Mercury b. Fluorine c. Radon.
what is mercury.
something that roars.
what is a lion.
something that helps your balance.
what is feet.
something that has 3 elements that are (C,H,O)
What is carbohydrate.
something that was water but it was very cold so it turned into something else while it was falling.
what is snow.
What do you call the elements that have atomic numbers over 92? a. Alkaline Elements b. Transuranium Elements c. Actinide Elements
what is Transuranium Elements
something that has a beak.
What is bird.
something that holds all of your knowlege.
what is brain.
something that has theses 3 monomers; Glucose, Galactose, and fructose.
what is monosacaride.
something that is rain drops carried upward by thunderstorms, into extremely cold areas and falls from the sky dangerously.
what is hail.
year was helium discovered?
what is 1868
something that lives underwater.
what is fish.
something that holds body parts together.
what is joints.
something that has theses 3 monomers; Lactose, Sucrose, and maltose.
what is disaccharide.
something that is a very high and long sea wave cause by earthquake.
what i tsunami.
How do you write out methane in scientific form?