José Andrés
World Central Kitchen
Natural Disasters
Ethical Leadership
Ethical Reflection

How many restaurants does José Andrés oversee?

27 total, 10 of which are in D.C.


How many meals has World Central Kitchen served worldwide?

350 million meals


What natural disaster did the pilot fly José Andrés without government permission because "it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission"?

Bahamas, Hurricane Dorian, 2019


In what ways did José Andrés be honest and trustworthy and have integrity when dealing with others?

Ex) When Maria hit, the country was worried about the lack of fuel. José Andrés demonstrated integrity and honesty when he suggested the food shortage should be a priority.


José Andrés initially helped homeless people in Washington DC before starting World Central Kitchen. In what ways do you volunteer your time to help your community?

Ex) soup kitchens, volunteer work, charities, non-profits, etc.


Why does José Andrés describe himself as a 'cook' and not a 'chef'?

Rather than running the kitchen, he is physically present and cooking meals and interacting with the people he cooks for.


What country did World Central Kitchen help open a culinary school in 2015?



After partnering with The Red Cross during the COVID-19 pandemic, how many meals a day was World Central Kitchen / The Red Cross able to get out to children?

One million per day


In what ways did José Andrés pay attention to all stakeholders?

Ex) José Andrés partnered with The Salvation Army to help feed their patients, during Hurricane Maria. He was willing to help them in any way he could.


What are some ethical regulations set in your workplace / school / home that you follow that ensures honest conduct?

Ex) cleanliness in food industry, kindness and respect in customer service, no cheating in school, etc.


How much money did José Andrés have when he came to New York?

$50 (equivalent to $122 today)

In what ways can you support World Central Kitchen in their mission? (list at least two)

Jobs, donations, charity events, volunteer, events, fundraising


What category hurricane and how many deaths were a result of Hurricane Harvey? (Texas & Louisiana 2017)

Category 4 & over 100 deaths


In what ways did José Andrés build community?

Ex) José Andrés partnered with local food trucks to open as many kitchens as possible to feed people in need.


In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, in what ways did José Andrés demonstrate ethical morals?

Ex) Setting up kitchens, partnering with local food trucks and kitchens, red cross partnership, cultural awareness, etc.


What did José Andrés do in the Spanish military?

He was a personal cook for an admiral.


What did José Andrés say when he discussed the mission of World Central Kitchen?

Hint: (quote shown on slides)

"Not tomorrow. Today." -José Andrés


After José Andrés returned home for mental health purposes, what gave him hope to return to Puerto Rico and finish what he started?

The food truck owners of Puerto Rico who partnered with him & His family


In what ways did José Andrés respect the individual?

Ex) When José Andrés was making beans to feed people in need, a woman explained that in their culture, they prepare beans differently. He respected this and learned their culture.


As a leader, what can you do to be an ethical role model?

Ex) Be considerate of all parties involved, respect, honesty, etc.


What course did José Andrés teach at Harvard University in fall of 2010?

Culinary Physics


What did World Central Kitchen primarily focus on for the first 7 years?

Resilience Programs


After 2 years of helpig in Ukraine, how many meals was World Central Kitchen able to serve?

260 million meals


In what ways did José Andrés provide healthy leadership?

Ex) José Andrés fully self-funded World Central Kitchen's organization during Hurricane Maria. He had only $10,000 and three credit cards and fully financially supported the organization.


In your school / workplace / home, what unethical problems have you observed and what can you do to fix it?

Ex) You have a doctor's appointment and make your employer aware and they still put you on the schedule. An ethical response is being considerate of employee time and respectful of their personal life. As an employee, an ethical response would be standing your ground.