To calculate the average speed, you must

a) add distance and time

b) subtract the total amount of distance and the total amount of time

c) add speed plus direction

d) divide the total amount of distance by the total amount of time

d) divide the total amount of distance by the total amount of time

Which of these describes an object's velocity at the beginning of a time period.

a) Final Velocity

b) Speed

c) Initial Velocity

d) Positive velocity

c) Initial Velocity

A place or object used for comparison to determine if an object is in motion is called?

a) reference point

b) constant speed

c) velocity

d) distance

a) reference point

The unit of momentum is

a) kg x m

b) kg x m/s

c) kg x m/s 2

d) m/s 2

b) kg x m/s

Inertia varies depending on

a) velocity

b) motion

c) mass

d) force

c) mass

What would no motion look like on a displacement-time graph?

a) a horizontal line

b) the slope of the line increasing steadily

c) the slope of the line decreasing steadily

d) the line of the graph would increase and decrease.

a) a horizontal line

A ____________ is a push or pull that causes an object to change its motion.

a) force

b) change

c) kinetic

d) compound

a) force

When you kick a soccer ball it gains__________ energy.

a) kinetic

b) potential

c) mechanical

d) chemical

a) kinetic

If the resultant force on an object in motion is zero, the object will

a) Accelerate

b) Decelerate

c) Move at a steady velocity

d) Stop instantly

c) Move at a steady velocity

Which of these is most likely to be the speed of a cyclist?

a) 1500 cm/s

b) 2 m/s

c) 25 km/h

d) 50 mph

c) 25 km/h

What does constant speed look like on a displacement-time graph?

a) a straight, diagonal line

b) A curved line..

c) A vertical line.

d) A horizontal line.

a) a straight, diagonal line

Energy is the ability to do ________.

a) nothing

b) potential

c) inertia

d) work

d) work

The upward force of an object falling through the air is...

a) inertia

b) air resistance

c) momentum

d) terminal velocity

b) air resistance

If gravity did NOT affect the path of a horizontally thrown ball, the ball would ____.

a) go straight up

b) fall straight down

c) follow a curved path

d) travel horizontally

d) travel horizontally

A curved line on a velocity/time graph shows ________ acceleration

a) zero

b) positive

c) changing

d) negative

c) changing

A car went 100 km in 2 hours. What was the average speed of the car in m/s?

a) 50 m/s

b) 27.8 m/s

c) 13.9 m/s

d) 833.33 m/s

c) 13.9 m/s

A ball held at the top of a slide has ________________.

a) potential energy

b) kinetic energy

c) work

d) chemical energy

a) potential energy

The path of a projectile is...

a) curved

b) always horizontal

c) always vertical

d) straight

a) curved

The statement "to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" is ____.

a) The law of conservation of momentum

b) Newton's first law of motion

c) Newton's second law of motion

d) Newton's third law of motion

d) Newton's third law of motion

3 m/s North can be used to describe an object's...

a) position

b) speed

c) velocity

d) acceleration

c) velocity

What are the four equations of motion?

v = u + at s = ut + 1/2 at^2 s = (u+v)/2 x t v^2 = u^2 + 2as

Which of these is true about an inelastic collision?

a) Momentum and kinetic energy are conserved.

b) Momentum and kinetic energy are not conserved

c) Momentum is conserved, kinetic energy is not conserved

d) Momentum is not conserved, kinetic energy is

c) Momentum is conserved, kinetic energy is not conserved

How is momentum conserved when a rock falls off a cliff and hits the ground?

The rock gains momentum and kinetic energy because of the work done by its weight and the Earth gains and equal amount of momentum towards the rock. When the rock hits the ground its momentum becomes zero, at the same instant the Earth stops moving upward, conserving momentum.

When a force is exerted on the floor, an equal and opposite force is exerted by the floor. This force is called the ____ force.

a) contact

b) reactional

c) frictional

d) gravitational

a) contact

If you ride your bike up a hill, then ride down the same side, your acceleration is

a) all negative

b) first positive, then negative

c) first negative, then positive

d) all positive

b) first positive, then negative