What were Pharaoh's two dreams?
7 Healthy cows eaten by 7 thin, sick cows
7 Full ears of corn devoured by 7 thin ears of corn
What 2 men did Joseph while he was in prison?
The Butler & the Baker
Who gave Joseph his dreams?
Name two reasons Joseph's brothers hated him
-He received the coat of many colors
-He was their father's favorite
-They had to hear about his dreams
What were the 3 tests of Joseph's dreams?
Test of Adversity, Test of Prosperity, & Test of Integrity
What did the dreams represent?
How did Joseph show concern for others even when he was in a difficult situation?
How did Joseph's brothers respond to his dreams?
They hated him even more
What did Joseph's brothers originally plan to do to him?
Kill him
What is the danger of not trusting God in times of adversity?
We can become bitter & angry at our circumstances
What happens when we remain faithful to God despite our circumstances?
God will bless us beyond what we could have ever imagined
How did Joseph point the butler and baker to God?
He told them only God could interpret their dreams
In Joseph's 1st dream, what bowed down?
The sheaves (bundles of wheat/hay)
What can sin eventually do to our hearts?
Harden us
How do we know Joseph never abandoned his beliefs?
People around him knew God was with him to prosper everything he touched.
What 4 things did Pharaoh give to Joseph?
His ring
New Clothes
A gold chain
A chariot
Joseph remained faithful during difficult times, what are some ways we can also stay faithful in hard times
Staying faithful to church, reading the Bible, praying, being open to hearing the truth
How did Joseph's father react to his second dream?
He rebuked Joseph
What did Joseph's brothers do after they threw him in the pit?
They sat down to eat bread
What is integrity & how can we develop it?
Consistently doing the right thing.Practice honesty, honor God in all things, confess & repent sins.
What does it mean that people should be able to easily recognize us as Christians?
Our attitude, how we act, and even how we dress should reflect Christ
What are our responsibilities when it comes to hearing and speaking the truth?
We have to be open to hearing the truth, even when it's uncomfortable
Speak the truth (in love), even when it's hard
What were Joseph's brothers represented as in his second dream?
How did Reuben compromise his convictions?
He didn't stand up against killing Joseph and instead, he convinced his brothers to throw him in a pit
What steps can you take to maintain a constant walk with God?
Daily devotion time, listen & obey His Word, obey authority, & seek Godly counsel.