This person is Joseph's Dad
the colors of the rainbow-any color said
What did the baker's dream mean?
Hw would be killed
Joseph lived in this country after he was sold
Joseph has this many brothers
Joseph received the Amazing coat from this person
his dad
Who first learned of Joseph's ability to interpret dreams?
The Pharaoh's butler and baker, who were both imprisoned with him
What position did Pharaoh give to Joseph?
2nd in command of all of Egypt
Instead of killing Joseph Ruben and Judah convinced his brothers to do what
sell him into slavery
Joseph received the Amazing coat because...
His dad loved him the most
who told the Pharaoh Joseph could interpret dreams?
the butler
His boss's wife lied saying that she messed around with him.
Joseph framed his brother Benjamin by doing what
hiding a silver cup in his bag.
what did Joseph's brothers do to make their father believe Joseph died?
dipped Joseph's coat in goat's blood
What did Pharaoh do as a direct result of Joseph interpreting his dreams?
He set up a system to store food during the years of plenty to prepare for the years of famine
What did the Pharaoh's dream mean?
There would be 7 years of a good harvest followed by 7 years of famine.
Who was Jacob’s favorite son after Joseph was presumably killed?
What does the Amazing coat represent?
God's promise-the rainbow
Jacob's love for Joseph
Describe one of the 2 dreams Joseph had about his brothers
his sheaf arose and his brother's sheaves stood around him and bowed.
the sun, moon and stars bowed to him
why did Joseph put the cup in Benjamin's bag
To test if the brothers if they changed their ways