These were buried with the gold plates.
What is the Urim and Thummim and breastplates?
Joseph Smith prayed to God before the Angel appeared to him for this reason.
What is forgiveness for sins?
This much time passed between how long Joseph Smith saw the plates and when he actually got them.
What is four years?
The gold plates were buried here.
Where is Hill Cumorah?
Joseph Smith was visited by Angel Moroni this many times in one night
What is 3 times?
Joseph Smith was up talking to the Angel Moroni for this long.
What is all night?
This person is the first one Joseph Smith told about seeing the Angel Moroni.
Who is Joseph Smith's father?
God told Joseph Smith to show the plates to these people.
What is who he commanded him to show them to?
This is how Joseph Smith knew where the gold plates were.
What is he had a vision of it?
This man went to New York to ask someone with a lot of education if the translation of the Book of Mormon was correct.
Who is Martin Harris?
Joseph Smith originally lived in this village and county.
Where is Manchester, Ontario county?
The Book of Mormon was in this many languages before it was translated.
What is 4 languages?
This is the name of the man who told them that the translation was correct but ripped up the certificate because he didn't believe in angels.
Who is Professor Charles Anthon?
This is the day that Joseph Smith got the gold plates.
When is September 22, 1827