
In the middle ages, these types of fires were usually set up in order to burn bones.

What is a Bonfire. 

It was a bonfire that enticed over a 100 young adults to the blue pearl farm one evening after Josh requested inviting over a few friends.  His parents were not pleased with the "small" gathering. 


A ski resort on the SE face of Mnt. Hood and home to many of the legendary tricks of Dave Baker, Josh Tyler and Brian Jensen.

What is Mount Hood Meadows? 


Type of diving equipment worn by divers to establish neutral buoyancy underwater and positive buoyancy at the surface

What is a Buoyancy compensator (BC) or Buoyancy Control Device (BCD)


Josh's first car.  

What is a Jeep Cherokee


Sharing the same birth and the same adventure for life these two have been buddies from the very beginning.

Who is Dave Baker


The car  that Josh borrowed from Seth and promptly ran off the road as another car "forced" him off.

What is a mustang


Josh took this star  position on the football team in 8th grade.

What is a Half Back. 

His football career ended after this year when he took a camping trip with his friend Brian Jensen rather than attend the required summer practices.  Thank god, he had better things to do with his brain than get it knocked around in a flimsy helmet. 

In his proud Dad's words "He could have gone places with football, he was so fast!"


Co-inventer of the first successful open-circuit self-contained underwater breathing apparatus, ("SCUBA"), called the Aqua-Lung, which assisted him in producing some of the first underwater documentaries.

Who is Jacques-Yves Cousteau,


Josh's first purchased home on wheels

What is an aristocrat trailer? 


They serve the best of teas, have the sexiest of servers and the most creative cart in the festival.

What is The Tea Ticklers at the Oregon Country Fair. 


Josh's parents got a call late in the night from the Gresham police stating they had Josh with a few of his frineds who stolen this from Josh's parents.

What was stealing his parents Jeep Cherokee


A conditioning exercise in which a person squats, places the palms of the hands on the floor, jumps back, pushs up and returns to standing through a squat.

What is a burpee. 

Also what Josh gave himself rhabdomyosis doing to much of...


What is the worlds deepest free dive (In feet)

702 ft. Set by Herbert Nitsch

But he later in 2012 set a WR of 831 but suffered serious injury after dive. 


The gentleman that tried to fly his car with Josh as a passanger, instead resulting in a large roll down a ravine and off a cliff.

Who is Brian Jensen. 

In order to assess damage of Car after this accident Joshs Dad had to repel down ravine and over a cliff.  On his way he found another car stuck in a tree and the vehicle in shambles.  They are both very lucky to be alive.... for many reasons.


Sung by Iris DeMent and John Prine this song debuted at Colleen and Joshs wedding

What is In spite of Ourselves


In this captivating story Bastian is seen screaming  the new name of a childlike empress.

What is "The Never Ending Story"

This was the movie Josh's parents placed him in front of when they found out he skipped school to do acid and had just started his trip on the way home with his mom. 


The windiest surf city in the world.

What is Wellington - the capitol of New Zealand

Josh spent a term living in New Zealand in college, and continues to state it is one of his favorite places in the world. 


A special concoction of fish parts and other sea food is spread into the water around divers in hopes of attracting other fish visually or through smell.

What is it to "chum" the water


The Surgery Josh underwent that allowed him to be on vacation long enough to grow a beard and ultimately put him back in the hospital aftering being hit by a truck.

What is Carpal tunnel surgery


The study of mass media, techinical communications, and advertising.

What is Communications?

Josh graduated from OSU with a degree in communications and spent much of his time there "communicating"


What is the chemical structure of THC 


Trails created from hundreds of miles of railroads.

What are Rails to Trails - and what Colleen has forced him on many many times


What is a Hand signal for Safety stop?


Number of Vehicles Josh has owned in his life

What is 10-15? 

Jeep Cherokee, New Zealand Ride, VW, Jeep (Black), Big rediculous Black truck with bullet holes in roof, Red Truck with no breaks, Silverado, Geo Metro, First Motorcycle (Honda I think), 1st Harley- Soft Tale, 2nd Harley XLRS, and I am sure I am missing more. This is a trick question because I don't know the answer.


Josh has made it to great heights in many ways but two of the highest points were at 17,598ft and 17,769ft.  Where in the world were these and which hieght is associated with which.

Thorong-La Pass on the Annapurna Circuit 17,769ft. Mnt. Everest Base camp 17,598 ft