Easy ?
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Hard Bonus ????
4 points

What did the priests carry into the Jordan River?

The Ark of the Covenant.


How far ahead of the people were the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant instructed to walk?

 About 2,000 cubits or 3,000 feet or more than 0.57 miles


What happened to the manna after the Israelites ate the produce of Canaan?

 It stopped coming.


What do the 12 memorial stones symbolize for future generations?

God’s faithfulness and His miracle of parting the Jordan.


How many stones were set up as a memorial?

12 stones.


What did Joshua tell the people to do before God performed wonders among them?

Consecrate themselves.


Why were the men of Israel circumcised at Gilgal?

The generation born in the wilderness had not been circumcised.


Why did the manna stop after the Israelites entered the Promised Land? What does this teach us about God’s provision?

The manna stopped because they could now eat the produce of the land. It shows God provides differently in different seasons of life.


What city did the Israelites camp in after crossing the Jordan?



What special event did the Israelites celebrate after crossing the Jordan?



What does the name "Gilgal" mean?

“Rolled away” (symbolizing God rolling away the reproach of Egypt).


What qualities of Joshua’s leadership helped the Israelites trust and follow God’s plan? (at least 4)

 Faith, obedience, courage, and clear communication.


What stopped flowing so the Israelites could cross the Jordan?

The water of the Jordan River.


Why did God dry up the Jordan River for the Israelites?

To show His power and that He was with them, and to make the nations fear Him.


What was the first thing the priests did when they stepped into the Jordan River?

They stood still in the water.


What role did the Ark of the Covenant play in crossing the Jordan River, and how can we trust God in our lives today?

The Ark was a symbol of God's presence. We can trust God to help us with challenges, just like He helped the Israelites.