Joshua Says Farewell (dig site 11)
Disobedience & Disaster (dig site 12)
The Bee & the Thunderbolt (dig site 13)
Get a Grip, Gideon (dig site 14)
Midianites Meet their Match (dig site 25)

Who is laughing?

Spongebob Squarepants


Why is this boy blowing out candles on a cake?

It is his birthday.


Who was the commander of the army of Jaban, the Canaanite king?

Sisera (4:2)


What did the Midianites do to the crops the Isrealites planted?

They ruined them (6:3-4)


Why did the Lord tell Gideon he had too many men?

He didn't want the Isrealites to boast that their own strength saved them. (7:2)


What warning did God give the Isrealites about the nations that remained with them?

They were not to associate with them or bow down to their gods. (23:7)


When the Isrealistes heard the Angel of the Lord's message at Bokim, what did they do?

Wept and offered sacrifices (2:4-5)


What is this monkey doing?

Brushing his teeth


What tribe was Gideon from ?

Manasseh (6:15)


Why do these boys have a surprised look on their faces?

Someone dumped water on them.


What choice did Joshua make about serving God?

He and his household would serve the Lord. (24:15)


How did the Lord punish the Isrealites for doing evil and serving other gods?

He let raiders plunder them, "Sold them into the hands of their enemies," and His hand was against them when they fought their enemies. (2:14-15)


 What command from the Lord did Deborah give to Barak

Take 10,000 men and lead them up to Mount Tabor (4:6)


Why is it unusual for these people to be jumping in the water?

It is winter


At the riverside, which of Gideon's Soldiers did God choose to fight the Midianites?

Those who drank from cupped hands (7:5-7)


How long did the Isrealites serve the Lord after Joshua died?

Until the deaths of the elders who had experienced what the Lord had done for Isreal. (24:31)


Whom did the Lord raise up to save the people from the raiders?

judges (2:16)


Whom did Deborah say would receive the honor for the victory over Sisera?

A woman (4:9)


What two things did Gideon and his servants tear down?

Baal's altar and the Asherah pole. (6:25-27)


How many soldiers did Gideon have after the Lord finished choosing them?

300 (7:7)


Where were Joseph's Bones buried?

At Shechem in land Jacob had once bought (24:32)


What happened when a judge died?

The people returned to wicked ways that were worse than their ancestor's ways (2:19)


How did Jael kill Sisera?

She took a hammer and drove a tent peg into Sisera's head. (4:21)

What was the first request Gideon made regarding the wool fleece?

Gideon would place the fleece on the threshing floor. If there was dew on the fleece but the ground was dry, he would know that God would be with them. (6:36-37)


What did the Midianite soldier dream?

That a loaf of barley bread tumbled into their camp and made a tent collapse. (7:13)