Dig Site 6: The Sin of Achan
Dig Site 7: Bye Bye, Ai
Dig Site 8: A Trick and a Treaty
Dig Site 9: Land at Last
Dig Site 10: Every Promise Kept

What happened after the Israelites were defeated at Ai? (7:5-6) 

1) The hearts of all the Israelites melted in fear

2) Joshua and the elders fell facedown before the ark

3) Joshua and the elders tore their clothes

4) All of the above

4) All of the above


How did Joshua read all the words of the Law? (8:34) 

1) He read it "just as it is written in the Book of the Law."

2) "He read it in a different language." 

3) "He skipped over a few parts of the Law." 

4) "He read the first part." 

1) He read it "just as it is written in the Book of the Law."


How long did the sun stand still during the battle against the Amorites? (10:13) 

1) About a full hour

2) About a full day

3) About two full days

4) About a full week

2) About a full day


Why has Hebron belonged to Caleb ever since? (14:14) 

1) Caleb won the land in battle

2) Caleb served the gods of Hebron

3) Caleb followed the Lord wholeheartedly

4) Caleb was elected king over the land of Hebron

3) Caleb followed the Lord wholeheartedly


Finish this verse: "Not one of all the Lord's good promises..." (Joshua 21:45) 

No choices provided :) 

"...to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled."


What did Achan NOT steal? (7:21) 

1) A beautiful robe

2) 200 shekels of silver 

3) A bar of gold

4) Three large goats

4) Three large goats


After the battle of Ai, where did Joshua build an alter to the Lord? (8:30-31) 

1) Mount Ararat

2) Mount Ebal

3) On top of the ruins of Ai

4) Mount Sinai

2) Mount Ebal


How did the Gibeonites deceive the Israelites? (9:4-6) 

1) They wore old clothes and said they were from a distant country

2) They pretended to be relatives of the Israelites

3) They sent spies to learn their military secrets

4) They made a peace treaty with Israel and then attacked them. 

1) They wore old clothes and said they were from a distant country


Who said, "I brough him [Moses] back a report according to my convictions"? (14:7) 

1) Joshua

2) Caleb

3) Moses

4) Joseph

2) Caleb


What was anyone who killed a person accidentally allowed to do? (20:3) 

1) Find the avenger of blood 

2) Flee to a city of refuge to find protection from the avenger of blood

3) Ask for forgiveness from the avenger of blood

4) All of the above 

2) Flee to a city of refuge to find protection from the avenger of blood


What would happen to the one caught with the stolen goods? (7:15) 

1) He would have to leave the camp forever

2) He would be Joshua's slave

3) He would be destroyed by fire

4) He would have to pay for what he stole

3) He would be destroyed by fire


How did the Israelites lure the king of Ai out of the city? (8:13-14) 

1) They secretly set fire to the city to draw him out. 

2) They sent Israelite warriors to the king to challenge him in a battle

3) They kidnapped the royal family of Ai

4) The king of Ai saw Joshua and his men taking their position

4) The king of Ai saw Joshua and his men taking their position


How did Adoni-Zedek respond to the news about the treaty between Israel and Gibeon? (10:1-2) 

1) He waited for Israel to attack them. 

2) He and his people were alarmed.

3) He was so alarmed he moved his people far away

4) He asked the Israelites to make a treaty with him too.

2) He and his people were alarmed.


Who was going to drive out the Sidonians before the Israelites? (13:6) 

1) The Lord

2) Joshua

3) The priests

4) Moses

1) The Lord


Who could flee to the cities of refuge? (20:9) 

1) "Any of the Israelites or any foreigner residing among them who killed someone accidentally" 

2) "Anyone who was escaping from enemies" 

3) "Anyone who committed any crime" 

4) "Anyone who stole food from his neighbor" 

1) "Any of the Israelites or any foreigner residing among them who killed someone accidentally"


Which tribe's clans were brought forward for an investigation? (7:17-18) 

1) Levi

2) Benjamin

3) Gad

4) Judah

4) Judah


Where di the men in the ambush wait? (8:12) 

1) Just outside the city of Ai

2) Hiding inside the city of Ai

3) Between Bethel and Ai

4) In the city of Bethel

3) Between Bethel and Ai


Why did the Israelites decide not to attack the Gibeonites? (9:17-18) 

1) They heard Gibeon had many warriors. 

2) They heard Gibeon made a treaty with the five Amorite kings

3) They decided they would attack later when Gibeon didn't expect it. 

4) They honored the oath they made with Gibeon

4) They honored the oath they made with Gibeon


How long had it been since the Lord spoke to Moses about Caleb's inheritance? (14:10)

1) 35 years 

2) 40 years 

3) 45 years

4) 50 years

3) 45 years


Who took possession of and settled in the land God had promised their ancestors? (21:43) 

1) The Canaanites

2) The Egyptians 

3) The Israelites

4) The Gibeonites 

3) The Israelites


After Achan died, what did the Lord turn from? (7:26) 

1) All the Israelites 

2) Joshua

3) His fierce anger

4) All of the above

3) His fierce anger


Why were the 30,000 Israelites commanded to go out at night? (8:3-4) 

1) They were waiting for a message from the angel of the Lord

2) They were waiting to ambush the city of Ai

3) They were waiting for Joshua to hold up a torch as the signal to attack

4) All of the above

2) They were waiting to ambush the city of Ai


What happened when the five Amorite kings attacked Gibeon? (10:5-7) 

1) Gibeon tried toe fight the Amorites without help

2) Joshua would not help the Gibeonites

3) Gibeon asked for help and Joshua and his army marched to help

4) The Israelites decided to make a treaty with Adoni-Zedek

3) Gibeon asked for help and Joshua and his army marched to help


What did the Lord say to Joshua after many years of battle and conquest? (13:1) 

1) "You are now very old, and there are still very large areas of land to be taken over."

2) "You are very old. It's time for you to rest from all your battles." 

3) " You are old. It's time to elect a new leader." 

4) All of the above

1) "You are now very old, and there are still very large areas of land to be taken over."


How long must the fugitive stay in the city of refuge? (20:6) 

1) Until they have stood trial and until the death of the high priest

2) Until their enemies died

3) Until their family died

4) All of the above

1) Until they have stood trial and until the death of the high priest