A figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid
The theme of identity can explore how people form and express their sense of self, and how that sense of self changes over time.(Show An Example)
Junior grapples with feelings of betrayal from his reservation community for leaving, while also trying to fit in at the white school, causing him to constantly question his sense of belonging.
Internal struggle
A normal and universal emotional expression of grief, loss, hopelessness, stress, discouragement, or loneliness.
The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate
Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally
Hyperbole(Show Example In a the Story)
The capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties(Show Me an Example)
He faces racism and prejudice from some students at the white school, while also being viewed as a "sellout" by some people on the reservation
Social conflict
The feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.
Quick to notice things.
The quality of being amusing or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech.
The belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to inherited attributes and can be divided based on the superiority of one race or ethnicity over another.
Racism(Show an Example)
Family Conflict
Feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event.
Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
The use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.
The process of making known one's thoughts or feelings.
Expression(Show An Example)
Facing the challenges of growing up in poverty on the reservation, impacting his access to education and opportunities.
Dealing with Poverty
Firmness of purpose resoluteness
Firmness of purpose resoluteness
The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
An affinity for a place or situation.
Belonging(Show Me An Example)
From being bullied on the reservation for his looks to being bullied at Reardan for his race
Physical Conflict
The quality of being amusing or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech.
Having or revealing natural creative skill Of drawing.