where is menomonee
Shayla Pukes here
what are curtains
fish I got with my ex boyfriend that killed itsself
who is penelope
I have had 4 of these
My newest side gig
what is a nail tech
an apartment complex
where is tratt street
Shayla's Second boyfriend
Who is Foster
who is Lilah
what is wicked
drew pictures and did oragami for hours
what is the beach shack
a duplex house
what is 4th street
shaylas addiction
what are potent vapes
A fish named after a famous basketball player
Who is Dennis Rodman
newest health obsession
what is protein
cleaned dressing rooms
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luxurious dorms
where is maiangin
free people, anthro, shein, nails, carbliss
where does shaylas money go to?
The kind of dog I want to own
lauber puppy / black lab
I walked 6 miles on the beach alone here
What is Panama City
created pendants
what is bugaboodles
where is 110 Bayfield court
what is shaylas current hair color
Family pet that hated me
Who is Rocky
My last color of my nails
What is red?