to bend
Three Step Turn is also called...
Party Girl
Moving one body part at a time
The part of the stage closest to the audience is called?
to stretch
Ball Change
transfer of weight from one foot to another
hip-hop dance style that uses the body to make geometric shapes, often with 90 degree angles
a recurring movement idea, shape, or form that appears in dance composition.
Technique is defined as...
the proper execution of skills within a given dance form
En croix
In the shape of a cross
one leg travels in a circular motion in front or the other leg (in the air)
In hip-hop you have to use your....
Choreographic Devices
a compositional process used to organize movements within a dance
What is the most important role in lifting?
Not talking when lift is happening, giving your full attention, not letting your flyer hit the ground.
Pas De Bouree
3- step sequence
Jazz Drag
One leg drags behind, while you are leaning into your hip
What is the difference between a cypher and a soul train?
One is a circle, one is lines
What is the difference between a phrase and choreography?
a phrase is shorter
What is an accent?
an emphasis or stress on a certain musical count
Sous -sous
Over under
What is the first step in our turn combo?
Name 3 tools from our hip-hop toolbox.
NC state, Grapevine, Dab-step, Tootsie Roll, Cross jump, pony, pump and throw, kick throw kick step step, etc.
What are the 5 types of canons?
1. Follow the leader
2. Follow the phrase
3. Start/stop
4. All together
5. Building up
Name two modern choreographers who are staples for creating unique techniques.
Merce Cunningham, Lester Horton