On site reporters
copyright law
place line

What do we call a reporter who is present at the location of a news event?

What is On-site reporter?


What is the term for the line of text that identifies the author of an article?

What is Byline?


What is the term used to describe the legal doctrine that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the copyright holder?

what is fair use


What is the purpose of a placeline in a news article?

What is A placeline identifies the location where a news story occurred, providing important context to readers?


Libel is a type of false statement that harms a person's reputation. What is the legal term for a written or published libelous statement?

What is defamation? 


What is the primary role of an on-site reporter in a news event? 

What is to gather information, conduct, interviews, and report live from location?

what is the purpose of a byline?

What is to give credit to the author of an article?


what is the length of time that copyright protection lasts for works created by an individual author in the United States?

what is the life of the author plus 70 years?


what is the difference between a dateline and a placeline?

What is a dateline typically indicates where a story was written, while a placeline indicates where the events described in the story took place?


In order for a statement to be considered libelous. it must be false and
it must also do what?

What is Harm the reputation of the person being talked about?


On TV news, what do we call the on-site reporter who appears on camera to give a live report? 

What is Correspondent or live reporter?


In what order are the elements typically arranged in a byline?

What is the authors name, tittle, and the name of the publication?


What is the legal term for the act of presenting someone else's work as one's own without permission or attribution?

What is plagiarism?


This term refers to the location where a news story takes place? 

What is a dateline?


What is the legal defense that protects journalists if they can prove that the statement they made was true and that they acted in good faith to verify its accuracy?

What is the truth defense? 


What is the term used for a technique of a reporter giving a live report location, with a camera person and production crew recording and broadcasting the footage? 

What is Live remote or live shot?


What is the difference between a byline and a dateline in a news article? 

What is a byline identifies the author of the article, while a dateline indicates where the article was written or reported from.


What is the name of the law that provides safe harbor protection for websites that host user-generated content, such as comments and forums?

What is the Digital Millennium?


What is the standard format for a dateline?

The name of the city or town where the story was reported, followed by the state or country (if necessary). and the date.


In a libel case, what is the legal term for the amount of money that a plaintiff is awarded to compensate them for the harm caused by the libelous statement?

What is damages?


What is the advantage of having an on-site reporter cover a news event? 

What is real-time updates, eyewitness accounts, and exclusive insights?


what is the significance of a shared byline in journalism?

what is shared byline indicates that two or more authors contributed to the article, often working together on the reporting and writing.


What is the name of the legal agreement that gives someone permission to use copyrighted material in exchange for payment or other considerations?

What is a license agreement.


True or False: A dateline should always be included in a news article, regardless of the location of the story?

What is true?


What is the name of the ethical principle that requires journalists to verify their facts before publishing a story, in order to avoid making false statements that could harm someone's

what is The principle of accuracy or verification.