Alabama Football
Marine Life
Pop Culture

Which book written by native Alabamian Harper Lee is among the most common reads of a high school English class 

What is To Kill A Mockingbird


Known for being the largest island in the world, this island was famously misnamed in order to trick sailors to travel here instead of its more fruitful counterpart. 

What is Greenland


This Wide Receiver was known for being one of the only Heisman winners at his position

who is Devonte Smith 


This fish is known hunting seals, and sea lions in the arctic and north Atlantic ocean, it is also known for its black and white colors.

What is the Killer Whale/Orca 


This artist is known for his R&B pop style music. He was born in Toronto Canada and has numerous number 1 hits. He often makes songs with singers Ariana Grande, Drake, Lana Del Ray, and recently Future. 

Who is the Weeknd


This Professor of Hogwarts was known for working alongside the dark lord Voldemort as a spy. 

Who is Severus Snape


This mountain chain is most known for hosting the largest of mountains on earth including Mount Everest and K2

What is the Himalayas


This famous person came to the Alabama vs. LSU in 2019, known to most as the "game of the century" featuring many 1st round picks in the 2020 NFL draft 

Who is Donald Trump 


Possibly an underwater wonder of the world, this country has the Great Barrier Reef off of its coasts that attracts many tourists and fish. 

What is Australia 


This hip hop artist was responsible for the recent Drake vs. Kendrick battle. He might truly have no role modelz 

Who is J-Cole 


This Character is known for her golden blonde hair and being the daughter of the god of wisdom in the Percy Jackson series and the Heroes of Olympus. 

Who is Annabeth Chase. 


This national park located on the Yucatan Peninsula boasts the Mayan empires pyramids. 

What is Chichen Itza 


This QB was known for transferring to Maryland and being the brother of the Hawaiin native Tua.

Who is Taulia Tagovailoa


This fish might be found in the lurking depths of the sea floor. Known for almost killing Marlon and Dory on their quest to find Nemo, this fish has a part of its body that illuminates.

What is an angler fish. 


This song by Childish Gambino stirred controversy due to its music video seemingly mocking the country. 

what is This is America 

Written by a man named Dante, this epic follows the journey of a man through hell, purgatory, and heaven alongside the famous poet Virgil 

What is the Divine Comedy

This country houses the largest skyscraper in the world Burj Khalifa 

What is United Arab Emirates 


This famous player from Alabama was known for being a monster with the ball but fell short in his NFL career. He would later play for the Birmingham Iron in their one season of existence. 

Who is Trent Richardson 


This fish can be found in many regions that it was not and is considered an invasive species. It is Known for its elegant colors and venomous touch

What is a lion fish. 


Name of the three artists that have hosted a concert in the game fortnite. 

Who is Marshmello, Travis Scott, Ariana Grande 


This book by George Orwell describes a dystopia that is ruled by Big Brother and follows a character named Winston in his journey of finding an escape from this rule.  

What is 1984


Known as one of the ancient wonders of the world, this monument of Helios was constructed in ancient Greece in the mouth of a famous bay that shares its name

what is the Colossus of Rhodes 


This running back is a Tuscaloosa native and was drafted 236 to the Dallas Cowboys where he would barely play. He then played a season for the Birmingham stallions and helped lead them to the first ever title.

Who is Bo Scarborough 


This award-winning show on Disney Junior includes a polar bear named Captain Barnacles. 

What is the Octonauts. 


Name one of the two countries that were involved in Steve Harvey's fiasco on the Mrs. Universe pageant in which he awarded one country the title, but it was the other that had won the vote. 

Who is Mrs. Columbia, Mrs. Philippines